Woman Warned About Dangers of 5G at the UN in 2018 – It’s Never Been Investigated

Clare Edwards is a 5G kook who was formerly employed by the United Nations. The above video is of a message she delivered to the globalist group in 2018.

She’s since been dis-employed by the organization, and now goes on the internet saying kooky stuff about 5G. Like, that it’s an electromagnetic weapon designed to scramble our brains or whatever, probably something to do with the vaccine and so on.

I certainly wouldn’t want to be around 5G, and can’t imagine why anyone would want to be around 5G. But I also do think someone who is going this far with it is a kook, because even if it were true, you’re going beyond what you can prove. It’s the same thing with chemtrails or flat earth or whatever. It’s like “wow, just relax – we’ve got enough problems already, which aren’t debatable (as evidenced by the fact that leftists won’t debate them), let’s just stick to those.”

You watch these TV shows that “debunk” conspiracy theories, and they never talk about like, for example:

  • Jews control the media
  • Jews control the financial system
  • Jews control the US government
  • The Jews are in control
  • How many people has the (Jewish) coronavirus vaccine actually killed so far?

Instead, you get chemtrails, 5G coronavirus, flat earth, etc.

I mentioned this recently in connection to the SADS thing – Snopes did “debunk” it, but there are basically no articles about it at all.

Some people just believe in every conspiracy, and I’m like “well, wouldn’t there be a conspiracy to put out fake conspiracies? To make people look stupid?”

Anyway what was the point… sloppy Sunday…

Oh, right – what she said at the UN sounded reasonable, and like something you can track with more or less. But when it gets to “5G will activate nanobots from the vaccine” it’s like okay, let’s back up here.

I understand how this works – people find out they’re being lied to about basically everything and then they are capable of believing anything because they have no basic reference point. I guess everyone reading this site had some kind of “waking up” process. My goal with this site has always been to kind of streamline that process through just covering day-to-day events, to make it easy (and hopefully sometimes fun) for people to pick up wherever we are and start thinking about things critically.

We’ve really got most of this stuff worked out at this point, frankly. We’re coming up on the 9 year anniversary of the site next week, and if you go back and read through it, you’ll find I haven’t really changed any of my positions on anything major. I had worked through all of the key points before I started this site. It was really hard to do pre-/new/ (the pre-cursor to /pol/, which is a board on Japanese-style imageboard 4chan). /new/ became a kind of hive mind, with all of these smart people working together to put together book lists and various sources, to get to the bottom of the reality tunnel.

Anyway – I kind of assume that 5G will lead to increased levels of brain fog and depression in people exposed to it. I think we’re already getting that from cellphones and even old-fashioned electricity in the walls. Your neurological system is really receptive to EMF waves. If you’re a camper you know that as soon as you get away from the electric, the tension is released from your body. One day sleeping in the woods and you wake up feeling totally new. You also go to bed earlier and wake up earlier and just have higher energy. I encourage anyone who can to spend their vacations camping without electricity. I mean, make sure you know what you’re doing, but if you learn what you’re doing, it’s nice to not even bring a cellphone. Of course I haven’t done that in… 9 years.

Nine years straight I’ve been working every day.

Maybe that’s why these articles are so…. sloppy? 

Nah. I’m just in a transitionary phase here, trying to lock down some new shapes for the site.

Anyone can look up the affects of EMF on their nervous system. It’s not a secret. Of course, people going insane over it, like the brother in Better Call Saul, is real. (Frankly, that makes more sense than Greta freaking out over global warming, as at least there is a seed of truth to it.) But that’s the point: you need evidence.

The problem with the 5G stuff is really that these kooks are effectively defending the establishment by saying wacky things that then prevent discussion. There are multiple studies (many of which are cited in this study) that show 5G millimeter radiation causing cancer in mice. Every study I’ve seen reports “more research is needed.” And yet, it’s being implemented, and if you ask about it they just say you believe it’s going to turn you into a zombie or kill you or whatever. This is a childish level of discourse, and really the result of allowing women to appear in public.