WOW: Russian Military Move Into Base Housing US Troops, Just Chilling in a Formerly American Hangar




Russian military personnel have entered an air base in Niger that is hosting U.S. troops, a senior U.S. defense official told Reuters, a move that follows a decision by Niger’s junta to expel U.S. forces from the country.

The military officers ruling the West African nation have told the U.S. to withdraw its nearly 1,000 military personnel from the country, which until a coup last year had been a key partner for Washington’s fight against insurgents who have killed thousands of people and displaced millions more.

A senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Russian forces were not mingling with U.S. troops but were using a separate hanger at Airbase 101, which is next to Diori Hamani International Airport in Niamey, Niger’s capital.

Holy shit.

That is nuts.

The move by Russia’s military puts U.S. and Russian troops in close proximity at a time when the nations’ military and diplomatic rivalry is increasingly acrimonious over the conflict in Ukraine.

It also raises questions about the fate of U.S. installations in the country following a withdrawal.

“(The situation) is not great but in the short-term manageable,” the official said.

This is what I’ve been saying since forever: there are conflicts all over the world. Literally, every country has to choose a side.

Niger is the first country to actually expel US troops, and going ahead and bringing Russians into the base while the Americans are still there is so radical and hilarious that I’m falling in love with the blacks all over again.

I hope someone at RT is making a documentary about this, because nothing like this has ever happened before.

Niger is now the model for every country that is occupied by these ZOGbots.

You call in the Russians, and they will come remove the Americans for you.

It’s a real shame that Duterte was forced out in the Philippines, because he was trying to eject the Americans. It just wasn’t possible at that time, but it is now, because of these insane US actions globally.

Understand: this is one big war. Everything is between America/Jews and China/Russia.

This is why it is so insane to me that anyone can support the Ukraine and Palestine, or be against the Ukraine and support Israel. It just doesn’t make any basic sense on its face, given that these are just two fronts of the same war.