Xi Reiterates Reunification Pledge After US Announces $567 Million in Lube, Poppers, and PrEP to be Delivered to Gay Island

With half a billion dollars, Taiwan is barely even going to be able to afford a single weekend of gay sex parties.

The US is just sending this money as a threat. We already saw a few weeks ago that the equipment they’re sending is old at best and much of it is obviously unusable, so it’s just a purposeful attempt to try to humiliate and menace the Chinese.

The only thing the US does in the world is cause chaos, death, and gay sex. Seriously, when was the last time the Fatmericans did something good on the international stage? I don’t know if there is an answer to that. You’d have to go back before the Civil War. Moving all of those drunken Indians out into the fields was good, though that was not really “international.” Liberating Texas was good (though it has since been surrendered back to the wetbacks). I can’t think of anything else.


Chinese leader Xi Jinping reiterated his pledge to achieve “reunification” with Taiwan on the eve of Communist China’s 75th birthday, as Beijing flexed its military might in the run-up to the national holiday.

At a state banquet celebrating the founding of the People’s Republic on Monday, Xi used his address to underscore his resolve to achieve the “complete reunification of the motherland.”

It’s an irreversible trend, a cause of righteousness and the common aspiration of the people. No one can stop the march of history,” he told the thousands in attendance at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, according to state-run news agency Xinhua.

Taiwan is China’s sacred territory. Blood is thicker than water, and people on both sides of the strait are connected by blood,” Xi told the banquet attended by more than 3,000 people, including officials, retired party leaders and foreign dignitaries.

He also called for deeper economic and cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Strait and promotion of “spiritual harmony of compatriots on both sides.”

On Sunday, US President Joe Biden approved an additional $567 million in military support for Taiwan in the largest aid package America has granted the island. The funding will cover defense articles as well as “military education and training,” the White House said in a statement.

The Good Emperor gives these blood and soil speeches regularly, but the gay retards in America, who are so fat they can barely breathe, continue to talk about “communist China” as if the country is run based on Marxist theory.

Protip: if China was run based on Marxist theory, you wouldn’t have to put tariffs on them because they are “overproducing.” “Overproducing,” if that is indeed a thing (it isn’t, but okay), is not a sign of Marxist theory at work.

China is a nationlist state, and continuing to use “communism” as a scare word 75 years after the revolution is ridiculous and a mockery of the stupidity of the American people.