Ye Olde England: Asian Girl Hit in the Head with a Rock by Colorful and Dragged Off

Daily Stormer
March 19, 2015

One of the greatest joys of enrichment is the ongoing street rape. Can you imagine how boring our lives were without all of these Moslems? It must have been hell.


The horrifying CCTV footage shows the defenceless girl being thrown onto the grass of a nearby home and hit with a large rock.

The grainy clip, released by police to help track down the attacker, then cuts to the moment he walks away calmly after the serious sexual assault.

West Yorkshire Police said the girl, who is currently recovering in hospital, had been “left for dead” and is “lucky to be alive”.

The young woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was left with serious head and hip injuries and was rushed to receive medial attention after the attack.Speaking from the scene of the attack in Leeds in Yorkshire, Detective Superintendent Nick Wallen warned this brutal type of assault “could happen again”.

He said: “This is a completely out of the ordinary event and there seemed to be no pre-cursor.

“We are urging residents to take more care and avoid walking alone at night were possible.”

Mr Wallen said police secured the agreement of the victim and her family before the shocking footage was released.

He said: “We thought very long and hard about releasing this footage due to the dramatic nature of it.

“Securing the consent of the victim and her family was the main consideration and it is their express wish that we do this to assist in bringing the offender to justice.

“We felt it was important to give people a first-hand insight into the nature of this offence in the hope it will encourage them to think very carefully about anything they may have seen in the area around the time or if they have any suspicions about someone they know.”

The attack took place around 10:52pm last Friday on Beeston Road.

West Yorkshire Police said following the attack that it was “no time for family loyalty – this was an horrific incident and the victim is lucky to be alive.”

Officers added that both the victim and the attacker were Asian and it was not being treated as “racially-motivated”.

It is always “racially motivated.” I have a pretty hard time believing it was a Moslem girl that was dragged off and raped, most likely it was an East Asian being raped by a Moslem West Asian. It is very stupid that the British to Chinese, Japanese and Koreans by the same word as they refer to Pakis and Arabs.

The guy who did it appears to be Paki.
