Zelensky Accuses Orban of Betraying EU at UK Leaders’ Meeting

I guess this is sort of true?

The stated purpose of the EU, as expressed in Von der Leyen’s reelection speech this week, is to use war to force gay sex on everyone. And she won. So this is apparently the consensus.

Orban, by trying to end a war, did betray this agenda.

The Guardian:

Volodymyr Zelenskiy has taken aim at the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, accusing him of betraying fellow European leaders after Orbán’s recent “peace mission” to Moscow.

The Ukrainian president kicked off the European Political Community summit at Blenheim Palace on Thursday with an emotional speech in which he made veiled but repeated references to Orbán’s recent attempts to get close to Moscow.

Zelenskiy was addressing a room packed full of European leaders and defence ministers, who have gathered in Oxfordshire at a pivotal moment for the war in Ukraine.

He told the session: “We have maintained unity in Europe by acting together, which means that Putin has missed his primary targets … This is our advantage, but it remains an advantage only as long as we are united.”

Referring to Putin, he said: “He may try to approach you, or go to some of your partners individually, trying to tempt or pressure you to blackmail you so that one of you betrays the rest. We keep our unity.”

In an apparent reference to Orbán’s recent visit to meet Putin in Moscow, he added: “If someone in Europe tries to resolve issues behind our backs, or even at the expense of someone else, if someone wants to make some trips to the capital of war to talk – and perhaps promise something against our common interests or at the expense of Ukraine or other countries – then why should we consider such a person?

The EU can also address all their issues without this one individual.”

Zelensky is like the Apu version of Pepe, which we’re still not allowed to post for some reason.

He’s just a sad little guy who goes around looking for frens.

See: Orban Claims “Trump” Has “Detailed Plan” to End Ukraine Conflict