Zelensky Now Wants Russia to Attend Second “Peace Summit”

Things sure are moving fast after the Trump shooting, aren’t they?

Pretty weird it was just a totally unplanned event, which then changed the entire world, and the behavior of all Jews.


President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Monday he aimed to have a plan ready in November to enable Kyiv to hold a second international summit on his vision of peace in Ukraine, and he said representatives of Russia should attend.

Ukraine hosted delegations from 92 countries at a first summit in Switzerland last month to advance its blueprint for peace. Russia, which invaded Ukraine in February 2022, was not invited to the event and dismissed it as a non-starter.

“I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan,” Zelenskiy told a press conference in Kyiv. “I think that representatives of Russia should be at the second summit.”

He made the remarks after returning from a visit to Washington for a NATO summit last week.

A Russian deputy foreign minister said last week that Moscow would not attend a follow-up summit. The Kremlin has been less categorical and said there was “no precise substance” regarding the idea of a second summit.

I could explain how wild of a 180 flip this is.

I assume the reader already understands that?

Zelensky actually passed a law that he would never negotiate with Russia, ever.

But hey – if Trump is elected (and he was elected over the weekend), we’re gonna need to be moving these war resources to the Middle East, and Zelensky’s options for a decent deal are not expanding as time moves on.

It’s just… it’s wild, to see the entire world shift in a couple days like this.

It doesn’t mean anything good.

You might think something is looking good, but when the entire media and all the Jews shift to a new agenda, you don’t want to be on board with that agenda.