ZOG Pirate Dan Crenshaw Goes on Jew Tapper, Demands Marjorie Shut Up About FBI Being Corrupt

The ultimate slimebag and failed pirate Dan Crenshaw on Sunday went on CNN with the Jew Jake Tapper to agree with the CNN Jews that Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to shut her mouth about our brave FBI, who does so much for this country.

Crenshaw, who has a face like one of the Garbage Pail Kids (hence the beard), questioned Greene’s sanity, saying: “It’s crazy. And it makes us seem like extremist Democrats, right? And so Marjorie and AOC can go join the defund the law enforcement club if they want.”

Yeah – she’s just like AOC.

Even though AOC supports the FBI. It’s just sort of like, kind of similar, because like, they’re two people who want to defend groups, like.

Except maybe it was different, because AOC called for the local cops to be defunded so that black people could get away with crimes and MTG is calling for the FBI to be defunded because all they do is stage fake terrorist attacks and oppress people who disagree with the Democrat Party.

There is no way to frame the FBI as anything other than the Democrat Party secret police. We have now 7 years of publicly available data on a war waged on Donald Trump by the FBI in the name of the Democrat Party. What good did the FBI do in that time period? They don’t stop terrorist attacks and in fact they encourage them. They set up both Moslems and white people in fake terrorism entrapment schemes. If there ever was a real terrorist attack, they would just let it happen because terrorist attacks expand their budget.

If Dan Crenshaw is on TV with the Jews supporting the Democrat agenda, why is he even a Republican? What right-wing view does this guy hold? All he ever does is defend Jewish power. That is his only job. You only ever hear about him when he is out there defending the Jews.

He should join the Democrats.

Instead, he is trying to speak for the Republicans, and claiming that actually, Republicans are the real Democrats. The Zioclops claimed that “99% of Republicans” do not support Greene’s plan to defund the FBI.

What gives him a right to make such claims? He’s shown time and again that he doesn’t know and doesn’t care what Republican voters think.

Republican voters hate Dan Crenshaw. Meanwhile, Marjorie Taylor Greene is the single most popular person in Congress – she is at least right up there with AOC.

We like Congressmen who didn’t lose their eye.

Dan Crenshaw should be charged under the espionage act for being a foreign agent of Israel. We have enough evidence to convict him just based on his public statements.

As far as the fact that AOC and CNN and all the rest of these people called for defunding the police and are now the biggest cheerleaders of the FBI – that’s a question worth asking!

Anyone who knows anything at all already knows the answer, but a few show people might be interested to have it pointed out that the same people supporting defunding local cops support giving even more unchecked power to the FBI. It’s almost like the entire “defund the police” movement was designed to abolish the normal cops and replace them with a federal law enforcement body run by the FBI.