2020: Welcome to the Future, Faggot

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 1, 2020

It’s 2020 now and in a few short months, the video game Cyberpunk 2077 will be released.

What you might find interesting is that this is based on a 1988 tabletop game that was called “Cyberpunk 2020.” Because in 1988, people thought that we would be living in a cyberpunk world by 2020 (where you are now).

Most cyberpunk novels from the 1980s gave dates very much around where we are now. (As do most science fiction novels of the 20th century, generally.)

A lot of cyberpunk is mildly horrific.

But it’s nothing compared to what we have now.

And at least it is interesting.

Basically, it was believed that at this point in history, we would be living in a world of robots, flying cars, mile-high skyscrapers, space colonies and so on and so forth.

Instead, what do we have?

We have mass immigration of the most primitive people on earth and we have transsexuals being promoted as the peak of moral authority. All of our brain power is being poured into figuring out how to make people with 80 IQs capable of running a technological civilization, how to create fake vaginas from mutilated penises or how to stop black people from killing Jews. The rest of it is dumped into a bizarre conspiracy theory about the weather. And no, that isn’t really hyperbolic.

The entire energy of our society is poured into these three things:

  • Brown people
  • Homosexuals of various types
  • Jews

And all remaining human energy is funneled into the global warming Asperger’s doomsday church.

Computer technology innovation has basically ceased. Now that the smartphone has peaked, no one really has any idea what to work on designing, other than robots to run Amazon warehouses.

Space travel is totally dead as a concept.

The only thing remotely resembling “the future” that we have so far is this idiotic Elon Musk cubist El Camino.

Basically, we’ve been duped.

The future was a lie and a hoax and it’s not ever happening.

We are never going to contact an alien race, we are never going to have a city on Mars, we are never going to have hoverboards.

What you’re getting instead is a regression to primitivism and sexual sadism mixed with a bunch of plastic trash and drugs.

If you want a vision of the future, picture the last white man, an emaciated fentanyl addict, passed out on a pile of plastic garbage as he waits for an Amazon drone to deliver his Marvel loot crate, in the middle of a Mexican-style barrio.

Meanwhile, militarized police made up of brown people make gibbering, insectlike noises as they try to figure out how to drive their armored trucks so they can ride around and shoot people’s dogs.

And there are sporadic fires everywhere.

And then the Amazon drone finally arrives to deliver the fentanyl addict his loot crate, and some fat bluehaired transsexual feminist shows up to yell at the addict who is simply trying to relax on his pile of plastic trash about how the contents of his loot crate represent patriarchal Christian oppression.

All he wanted was a Spider-Man pillow to rest his head on during his final hours dying of drugs, but that was too much to ask.

Because only a patriarchal white supremacist fascist would have that Spider-Man pillow. And it is the duty of everyone who believes in equality to ensure that he doesn’t get away with it.

It’s all highly unfortunate.

If I knew this was where we were going to end up, I would have just stayed on the farm.