38% of Americans (61% of Republicans) Say Race Relations have Gotten Worse

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2014

NBC poll
NBC poll

An NBC exit poll of House congressional race voters has shown that 61% of Republicans and 38% of all voters believe race relations in America have gotten worse “in the last few years.”

A CNN poll (which is slightly easier to decipher) showed similar results.
A CNN poll (which is slightly easier to decipher) showed nearly the exact same results.

Clearly, White Americans are not happy with the situation in Ferguson, or with the ongoing systematic disenfranchisment of our people by the Planet of the Apes Occupation Government.  As I keep saying, a backlash is coming, and the fact that people are now openly admitting that they don’t like the direction things are going in shows they are on the verge of being to take action.

White Americans are finding it increasingly difficult to relax around Blacks.
White Americans are finding it increasingly difficult to relax around Blacks.

The further right the mainstream moves, the closer our radical views come to being accepted within popular discourse, and once our ideas are considered worthy of discussion, it’s game over, as no one can possibly stand against our facts and logic.