43% of Europeans Under 30 are Skeptical About Government’s Motives in Handling of Pandemic

PICTURED: People protesting Coronavirus Regime in Paris.

There is for sure some serious fatigue setting in here.

We’re headed for two years of “pandemic” mania, without the government having presented any evidence that a pandemic exists.

The Guardian:

Radically different experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic have created toxic geographical, generational and societal divides across Europe that could shape the continent’s politics for years to come, according to a study.

Research by the European Council on Foreign Relations based on polling in 12 EU states shows a “tale of two pandemics and two Europes”, with the past 18 months taking a vastly different toll on regions, age groups and individuals in the bloc.

“Europe is today a continent of split experiences: stark divides have emerged that could be as serious as those of the eurozone debt crisis and the 2015 migration crisis,” said Mark Leonard, the director and co-founder of the ECFR and a co-author of the report.

Although 54% of Europeans overall said they had not been seriously affected by the pandemic, the figure masked major differences, with majorities in southern and eastern Europe reporting significant personal challenges – while those in northern and western Europe largely viewed it as a “spectator sport”.

The research also revealed a stark generation gap over the impact of the pandemic, with almost two-thirds (64%) of respondents aged over 60 in the 12 countries saying they had experienced no personal repercussions, compared with 43% of under-30s.

There were outliers: most under-30s in two north-western countries, France and Denmark, said they had not suffered from the pandemic, while majorities of over-60s in four eastern and southern ones – Spain, Portugal, Hungary and Poland – said they had.

But across the 12 countries surveyed, the generation gap was “one of the most dramatic divides exposed by this polling,” said the other co-author, Ivan Krastev, adding that while governments across Europe had been right to focus on saving the lives of the oldest, it had clearly come at a cost.

“It is time for policymakers to focus on the problems of the young,” Krastev said. “An entire generation feel that their future has been sacrificed for the sake of their parents and grandparents.”

That feeling has contributed to a surge in cynicism among young people about governments’ intentions in introducing Covid restrictions, the poll shows, with as many as 43% of under-30s saying they were sceptical of governments’ motives.

About 20% of respondents under 30 said coronavirus lockdowns were “an excuse to control the public”, while 23% felt they were about “creating an appearance of being in control”. By contrast, 71% of over-60s said they believed they were aimed at containing the spread of the virus.

Across all countries surveyed, the polling found 64% of respondents were broadly “trustful”, believing official decisions were driven by public safety, while about 19% were “suspicious” they were intended mainly to cover up government impotence and incompetence. About 17% were “accusers”, believing the main objective of restrictions was to increase governments’ control over people’s lives.

The survey also found only 22% of Europeans said they felt “free” in their ability to lead their lives as they see fit in the Covid era, sharply down from the 64% who said they felt free before the first major effects of the pandemic were felt in Europe in March 2020.

The share of those who felt “unfree” was significantly larger among those who suffered economic rather than health consequences, it found, and was most acute in the bloc’s largest economy, Germany, where 49% of respondents said they no longer felt free in their daily lives.

It’s almost like people not being free was the goal, no?

We’re probably reaching some kind of tipping point in terms of mass cooperation with this nonsense. I think a lot of people who got the vax must feel betrayed, as they were promised a return to normal and all they got was this lousy blood clot.

Clearly, there is zero chance that the government is going to back off of any of this, and any resistance will just be met with force.

Maybe they will start pushing another “new variant” alongside new aggressive police state measures.