58% of Americans Support Marijuana Legalization

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2015


Legalizing pot is definitely a popular position.

All Gov:

A Gallup survey released Wednesday showed 58% of Americans back marijuana legalization. That’s the highest level recorded by Gallup since it started asking the question in the 1960s.

Despite the public support, the federal government has made it difficult to conduct research into marijuana’s medical uses, according to John Hudak and Grace Wallack of the Brookings Institution’s Center for Effective Public Management.

“The U.S. government has held back the medical community’s ability to conduct the type of research that the scientific community considers the experimental gold standard in guiding medical practice,” Hudak and Wallack wrote.

“Of all the controlled substances that the federal government regulates, cannabis is treated in a unique manner in ways that specifically impede research. Statutory, regulatory, bureaucratic, and cultural barriers have paralyzed science and threatened the integrity of research freedom in this area.”

I’m torn on the issue. Though I understand the arguments that it isn’t as harmful as people thought when they banned it, I haven’t really ever seen it do anything good for anyone, and legalizing it does encourage use.

I think that decriminalization probably makes sense, but not outright legalization.

What does the reader think?