Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 25, 2020

In America, 9-year-old boys are afraid to admit that they want to stick their penis into other men’s anuses and use the anal cavity to masturbate to ejaculation, to have other men do this to their own anuses, to suck on men’s penises, to lick men’s anuses and to eat semen.
Thankfully, Pete “Mayor Anal Pete” Buttigieg is here to help them tell the world of their plans to engage in these beautiful acts of love.
A 9-year-old Colorado boy got kudos from openly gay Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg when he asked him during a rally for help telling the world that he’s also gay.
“Thank you for being so brave,” Zachary Ro’s question read. “Would you help me tell the world I’m gay too? I want to be brave like you.”
Zachary’s question — which he wrote on a piece of paper as he entered the Aurora, Colorado, rally Saturday night — was met with cheers and chants of “Love means love” from the nearly 4,000 people in attendance.
“I don’t think you need a lot of advice from me on bravery, you seem pretty strong,” Buttigieg said as he began to answer the boy.
“It took me a long time to figure out how to tell even my best friend that I was gay, let alone go out there and tell the world. And to see you willing to come to terms with you who you are in a room full of thousands of people you never met, that’s really something,” he added.
The former South Bend mayor went on to warn Zachary that, while “it won’t always be easy,” what’s really important is that “you know who you are,” because when you have that, “you have a center of gravity that can hold you together when all kinds of chaos is happening around you.”
Buttigieg’s husband, Chasten, then brought Zachary off stage and talked to him as the presidential candidate continued taking questions.
There is nothing braver than being 9 years old and telling the whole world you have a raging desire to masturbate into other men’s anuses and eat their semen.
That is the definition of love.
And it is so beautiful.
If I Were a Hater…
If I were a hater, I would say that even if you believe in homosexuality theory, a 9-year-old can’t be a homosexual, because he is prepubescent, and “gay” is a purely sexual identity.
I might ask “what would you think if a 9-year-old boy went up on stage with a presidential candidate and announced that he was a foot fetishist?”
Oh Christ have mercy on my soul, I can’t take it.
Either this boy was brainwashed by the media into thinking it is unique and interesting for him to be “gay,” or he is a victim of abuse. Probably, it is both.
There is no way a 9-year-old can be homosexual, anymore than a 9-year-old can be a foot fetishist or a BDSM fetishist.
Homosexuality is an identity based purely on debased sexual acts.
What is it if not that?
What can it possibly be?
Actually, transsexual theory is more sound than child homosexual theory, as transsexual theory alleges – without any evidence of course, and it’s completely nonsensical, but it is what they allege – that people are born in the wrong bodies. And obviously there are differences between boys and girls before puberty. So if you believe in this metaphysical concept of being born in the wrong body, then there could be such a thing as a child tranny.
But homosexuality is not a “gender identity.” It is a purely sexual identity. That’s why they call it a “sexual identity.”
You people want to say I’m gross talking about what they do – well, it IS WHAT THEY DO! What defines the “gay identity” is that they masturbate into each other’s anuses, they suck on each other’s penises and they eat each other’s semen. There is no other factor involved in being a homosexual. When a person tells you “I’m gay,” what he is saying to you is “I masturbate into other men’s anuses, I suck on penises, I lick anuses, I eat semen.”
That is what it is. And these people feel the need to tell you that they do that. Meanwhile, they pretend if it is something more complicated than that, because otherwise everyone would recognize how absolutely bizarre it is that everyone is talking all the time about how great it is to be a homosexual.
The analogy of foot fetishism or BDSM holds up. Imagine if we had a “Foot Fetishist Pride Month,” and all these corporations put pictures of feet on their logos. And then understand that this would be six million times less weird than this gay thing.
Not all homosexuals like show tunes, not all homosexuals listen to Mariah Carey, not all homosexuals even act effeminate. What all homosexuals do is masturbate into each other’s anuses. It is what defines them. And they claim that this is “love.”
So what exactly is a 9-year-old homosexual? Can anyone tell me what that is?
I remember being 9 years old, and I was not interested in girls. You all remember: all of a sudden, it is like a switch is flipped when you’re between 11 and 13, and girls start becoming a lot more interesting.
Nine-year-old boys do not have a desire for sex. They do not get erections. During puberty, your body creates a burst of testosterone that causes a bunch of physical changes and causes you to start thinking about sex. Before that burst of testosterone, a child is nonsexual.
So what is a 9-year-old homosexual?
What you are witnessing with “gay children” is industrial scale child abuse. And this is being celebrated on the national stage by a man that a large percentage of the country believes should be in charge of the country.
This is hell.
You are in hell.
Hell has been created on earth, and you are living in it.
We are all diseased and there is no coming back from this.