93-Year-Old Man Charged with 300,000 Counts of Accessory to Murder Because He was an Auschwitz Guard

Daily Slave
September 16, 2014

Auschwitz – a place where Jews claim that 6 trillion Jews were gassed by evil Germans.

Here we have a 93-year-old man being charged with 300,000 counts of accessory to murder simply because he was a German guard at Auschwitz during World War II.

Even if we were to assume that the Jewish Holocaust hoax was real, what is the purpose putting a 93-year-old man who was a low level soldier during World War II on trial for murder?  The only reason to do such a thing is to once again make people feel sorry for the 6 trillion Jews that were allegedly killed in German death camps.

Of course we know that the Holocaust story is a complete hoax.  Auschwitz in particular was equipped with swimming pools and theaters for the people imprisoned there.  Stories about Jews being gassed to death in shower rooms and Jews being turned into soap and lampshades have been proven to be entirely false.

What’s really sad is that this man is being persecuted under a new German law.  These German lawmakers who are pushing pro-Jewish, anti-German laws like this are traitors.  They should be put on trial and executed for treason due to their obvious criminal collaboration with Jewish interest groups.

Fox News:

Oskar Groening is accused of helping operate the death camp in occupied Poland between May and June 1944, when some 425,000 Jews from Hungary were brought there and at least 300,000 almost immediately gassed to death.

In his job dealing with the belongings stolen from camp victims, prosecutors said among other things he was charged with helping collect and tally money that was found.

“He helped the Nazi regime benefit economically, and supported the systematic killings,” state prosecutors in the city of Hannover said in a statement.

Groening’s attorney, Hans Holtermann, declined to comment on the charges.

Groening himself has openly talked about his time as a guard and said while he witnessed horrific atrocities, he didn’t commit any crimes himself.

In 2005, he told Der Spiegel magazine he recalled one incident on “ramp duty” when he heard a baby crying. “I saw another SS soldier grab the baby by the legs…” he said. “He smashed the baby’s head against the iron side of a truck until it was silent.”

Groening, who lives in the Hannover area, is one of some 30 former Auschwitz guards who federal investigators recommended last year that state prosecutors pursue charges against under a new precedent in German law.