A Reader Reckons Men are the Real Victims of the Porn Industry

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2020

It is popular on the cuck-right to claim that one of the reasons porn is bad is that women are being “sex trafficked” to appear in it.

Imagine believing that it is so hard to find a woman to appear in a porno that you have to risk going to prison for decades in order to get ahold of such a woman. Believing in the fundamental innocence of women literally requires a person to construct an entire parallel reality which bears no resemblance whatsoever to actual reality.

In actual fact, there are so many women willing to do this that the rates of pay are rapidly dropping.

A reader points out that the real victims of the porn industry are not women.

Women: Get paid really well compared to any real job, requires no real skill or effort, get to enjoy sex with alpha males and enjoy the exhibitionism of being watched, basically no social stigma attached to being a porn actress anymore. Bonus points: get to pretend you’re a victim of something you willingly chose after the fact.

Men: Constantly lied-to that porn won’t harm their health, get exposed to porn and suffer negative effects before even undergoing puberty, serious brain and endocrine damage, enforced sense of sexual inadequacy, normalized hypergamy, cuckoldry and idolization of women. Normalization of the fraudulent concept that women have a right to total ownership of their sexuality.

Imagine believing women are the primary victims of porn. It’s as absurd as claiming that women are the primary victims of those temples to female narcissism that are night clubs. It’s like that time Hillary Clinton claimed that women are the primary victims of men dying and being maimed in war. At this point one might as well say, women are always the primary victims of anything that happens and get it over with because it’s clear that words have lost all meaning.

I endorse this message.

I’ve previously written about it myself.

Related: Pornography Should be Banned Because It is Sexual Exploitation of Men

Pornography is simply one more way for women to drink our blood, to suck out our essence, while offering us absolutely nothing of value in return.

Imagine if I were to ask you: “What has a woman ever done for you?”

Unless you’re a father, then the only answer you are going to be able to muster is “literally nothing.”