A Sad Day for Internet Trolling: Disqus Now Allows User Blocking

Daily Stormer
June 18, 2016

rain pepe

It’s okay to feel blue, guys. Stay strong

Disqus has for a while now been a preferred platform for Nazi trolls, since we all have have accounts and most news comments sections use the service.

All was great, except that time Disqus banned The Daily Stormer, which was a tragedy. But a new darkness looms over the horizon.

Disqus Blog:

Today, I’m happy to announce the release of our user blocking feature. As one of the most requested features from commenters over the years, user blocking provides you with the ability to manage who you interact with on Disqus.

Blocking someone removes their activity from your experience across the network. This means that you’ll no longer get notifications from them via email or in your Disqus Inbox, nor will you see discussions or comments by them in your Home feed or on discussion threads.

Before, there was nothing these cucks could do to address trolling except ban trolls. And this led to the banning of their own members and moderators during raids. It was great.

This new blocking feature means individual members of targeted sites will be able to ignore trolls by blocking them.

This won’t eliminate trolling by any means, but it means we must adapt our tactics. Reusing the same account over and over again will prove ineffective.

We must now create new accounts regularly, so that for every account they ban, two more will sprout in it’s place.


Hail Hydra!