In various Asian countries, soap opera stars engage in prostitution for heinous amounts of money (like, $5,000-10,000 a night or whatever, and probably more, depending on the popularity). I always thought this was very funny. It fits into my original thesis that a woman can either be a mother or a whore. Mary or Eve.
Anyway, I always just assumed all fashion models are prostitutes, including the male ones, who I assume are all homosexuals.

Going into male modeling and then being shocked it is full of homosexuals seems a bit like jumping into a swimming pool and being shocked it’s wet.
I’m not sure I believe these men were as shocked as they claim.
However, I don’t think we can assume that they all knew that the Jew owner of the company was the primary sponsor of Jeffrey Epstein. He remains uninvestigated, by the way. Just in case anyone’s keeping score on that one.
Iconic US clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch aided and abetted its former CEO Michael Jeffries’ systematic sexual exploitation of aspiring male models, a class-action lawsuit filed by dozens of Jeffries’ alleged victims in New York federal court on Friday claimed.
The lawsuit names not only Jeffries, his longtime partner Matthew Smith, and the Jeffries Family Office LLC, but also Abercrombie itself. The company was fully aware of its executives’ predation and even allowed Jeffries “unfettered access to corporate funds” to pay off his victims, it alleges.

“Jeffries was so important to the profitability of the brand that he was given complete autonomy to perform his role as CEO however he saw fit, including through the use of blatant international sex-trafficking and abuse of prospective Abercrombie models,” the lawsuit claims, arguing the corporation “knew he was engaging in illegal activity and did not care.”
Jeffries allegedly paid modeling scouts to approach attractive young men with offers to become the brand’s new face, treat them to shopping trips, and send them to his Hamptons estate or various locations outside the US to be sexually abused in the guise of legitimate modeling auditions. “Each of the models were then forced to take drugs and to participate in sex acts with Jeffries and others, including Smith, all at Jeffries’ direction,” according to the suit.
Were the men heterosexual?
That’s the only real question here.
The “normalcy” of this grooming process would allegedly be drilled into the models by everyone they encountered along the way, from the scouts, who sometimes demanded sex themselves, to the brand’s star photographer, Bruce Weber, who has also been accused of sexual assault by more than 20 models. Over 100 men were allegedly victimized in this way.
“Abercrombie financially benefited in that as a by-product of the sex-trafficking venture, [Abercrombie] was able to employ male models to further promote their brand image, while simultaneously keeping Jeffries happy and productive, allowing him to rebrand the company’s image and transform it into a billion-dollar industry leader,” the suit claims.
Jeffries was hired as CEO in 1992 to raise the then-moribund brand from the ashes of bankruptcy by Leslie Wexner, the founder of The Limited and former owner of Victoria’s Secret who had purchased Abercrombie four years earlier. Wexner, the only known financial advisory client of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, acted as Jeffries’ mentor as the CEO transformed the outfitter into a teen-trend powerhouse that “sizzle[d] with sex,” according to the lawsuit.
The entire homosexual culture is about men victimizing other men. If you shove your penis or your fist into another man’s anus, you are victimizing him, and if you willingly allow another man to do this to you, you are victimizing him.
I’m not sure that’s clear. I had a gay uncle who died of “HIV/AIDS” (not a real thing, actually) and was exposed to more homosexuals than I would have liked in the wake of his death. These men do nothing but abuse one another, and therefore, any sort of state intervention, other than to arrest and prosecute both men for homosexual acts, does not make any sense. I suppose if a homosexual stabs or kills another homosexual, the state intervenes, but in terms of their relationships and “sex” lives (it’s not “sex,” actually), you have to just say: “this is what you do, it’s not normal people’s responsibility to regulate it.”
It’s like a prostitute claiming she was “raped.”
There is a kind of “wait, what does that even mean?” factor when a homosexual claims he was victimized by another homosexual.
I don’t usually speak of homosexual society in much depth, and simply insist that they should be thrown off of roofs by men in masks.

However, I actually have notes for an article defending Kevin Spacey. He got totally canceled because another homosexual said he abused him. I don’t think this is fair. Kevin Spacey was a secret homosexual before that happened. Secret homosexuals, insofar as they do not harass boys (which might be impossible), cannot be condemned.
Homosexuality rides a very strange line, where it is both a vile crime and an extremely private matter. You cannot hunt secret homosexuals, as that impinges on everyone’s freedom. The state doesn’t have a right to be following people around to investigate them for homosexuality just because they’re unmarried and have a male roommate. Unless there is a credible claim from a boy that a man tried to do something homosexual against him, there is never a grounds to investigate someone for secret homosexuality.

So, insofar as Kevin Spacey was engaged in these acts, he was handling them in the appropriate way, and it feels, to me, like he got the raw end of the fist on this deal. It was an “out of the closet” public homosexual who accused him. The public homosexual had a failed acting career, while Spacey was one of the most successful actors alive. This looked very much like a spat between faggots, in which the public homosexual held resentment towards Spacey over his success, and likely believed – correctly, I would add – that Spacey keeping his homosexuality a secret made his success possible. Spacey was also a “top,” which is something pretty rare in the homosexual community. They develop bizarre fatherly relationships with the “bottoms,” which involve a lot of victimization going both ways.
If the A&F men were heterosexuals who were tricked and forced into homosexual acts, this is obviously a very serious matter. However, I think there is virtually zero chance that was the case. These appear to be adult homosexual men who are bitter.

I don’t think this relates to the Epstein case, beyond the fact that Les Wexner probably knew it was happening and didn’t care. I could be wrong. Maybe I’ve got the whole thing wrong. There’s not enough information out yet (maybe the court filings are posted and have information, but I’m not digging up and reading court papers on a Sunday). But that is my instinct.
“I am a gay man who worked for another gay man and we went around the world doing drugs and having sex with other gay men” sounds more like an admission than an accusation.