About That Murder in Charleston…

Benjamin Garland
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2015

Stock photo of welcome to Charleston sign, SC USA.

Many of you reading this right now are probably wondering why I made such a sloppy typo in the title of this article.

Surely I meant to say murders, instead of murder, right?

What are you a racist?

Or maybe you just haven’t heard about the particular murder that I have in mind.

Or maybe that’s because this particular murder victim was a White person?

Or maybe you have just forgotten about this particular White murder victim?

Open your eyes, White man.

I’m talking, of course, about the innocent 5-year-old White girl Allison Grifford, who was brutally slaughtered in cold blood – just as we here at Daily Stormer reported approximately 2 weeks ago – “allegedly” by four particular Black people:

Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon says four men may face murder charges four years after 5-year-old Allison Griffor was shot and killed during a home invasion in West Ashley.

He identified them by hanging their photos on the wall: Phillip Moses, Franklin Glover, Shyrome Johnson and Levell Leonard Grant. Johnson was arrested on Thursday. His bail was set at $200,000 on Friday afternoon.

At a press conference Friday afternoon, Cannon said Shyrome Johnson was interviewed as early as Nov. 9, 2011 by investigators looking for answers into Griffor’s shooting death.

What about me? Don’t I matter? Doesn’t anybody care about me?

If you’re not familiar with this story, then I want to ask you: Why not?

Why is this poor, innocent, dead White girl not a household name, like the aggressive thugs Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown who were justifiably and provably killed in self-defense?

What if it was the other way around, with four White men “allegedly” murdering a 5-year-old Black girl?

I’m confident that you can use your imagination with that.

The “suspects.”


