Aerosmith is a terrible band and I would be happy to see the singer suffer. However, he is suffering enough as an old man being forced to deal with the fact he made all this horrible music.
He is currently in drug rehab at the age of 74, because the pain of having made those terrible songs and forcing them on everyone in the crudest manner is more than he can handle sober.
He doesn’t need a 50-year-old rape hoax.
This “a 16-year-old is a child and doesn’t know what a penis even is” is something that did not exist in the 1970s. Frankly, this thinking didn’t exist until like, 10 years ago.
Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler is being accused of sexual assault, sexual battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress in a new lawsuit from a woman who claims to have had a relationship with him when she was a teenage girl.
Julia Holcomb is alleging that Tyler convinced Holcomb’s mother to grant him guardianship over her when she was 16 years old, which paved the way for a sexual relationship from about 1973 to 1976, according to a Rolling Stone report published Thursday. Tyler, who was born in 1948, would have been in his mid-20s at the time.
Holcomb reportedly doesn’t name Tyler in the suit, instead referring to the defendants as Defendant Doe 1 and Does 2 through 50.
The Post has reached out to Tyler’s representatives for comment. Tyler, 74, suffered a drug relapse and “voluntarily” checked into rehab in May.
Holcomb alleges in the suit she was “powerless to resist” Tyler’s “power, fame, and substantial financial ability,” according to news reports.
Now it’s rape if you’re rich, because women can’t resist money, lol.
She reportedly claims Tyler “coerced and persuaded” her into believing they were having a “romantic love affair.”
Haha. Women are as strong as men but they can’t resist being seduced. Okay.
It sounds very much like she was in a romantic love affair with him, and claiming that she was hypnotized or whatever does not implicate Tyler.
How would he know she had this inability to resist? She thought it was a love affair, so presumably he did as well.
Rolling Stone notes that Tyler’s 2011 memoir “Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?” references a relationship with a 16-year-old girl and mentions a Julia Halcomb in the acknowledgments.
Well, it sounds like even 35 years later, he had a positive view of the relationship and of her.
He didn’t know about her mesmerization.
Holcomb has previously opened up about the relationship she claims she shared with the former “American Idol” judge, whom she said she met after an Oregon Aerosmith concert not long after she turned 16. She claims she followed him to Seattle as their sexual relationship continued. Tyler allegedly obtained guardianship around 1974.
That is 50 years ago. Richard Nixon was president.
Rape hoax is literally an industry now. Every woman who had any interaction with anyone who was famous is going to hit him up for millions of dollars.
It’s sick.
If we had Christian morals in this country, none of this would be happening. Women would be instructed not to do this, and if they did do it, they would be ashamed to talk about it. If a girl did talk about it, everyone would just call her a whore and say she has no right to complain about anything a man did to them because she is a whore.