After His Wife Leaves Him, Adam Corolla Publicly Dates Ultra-Bimbo with Mega Knockers

Adam Corolla’s psychopath wife left him and destroyed his family to go seek strange and mysterious (black) cock in 2021.

If your stupid bitch-whore wife abandons you, you have no choice but to go full ultra-bimbo with mega knockers. Thus it was that Adam Corolla, abandoned by the wife of his youth, was forced between the massive cans of this beauty:

You see that bitch’s bazooka funbags and the riff from Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir” starts pounding in your skull – if you catch my drift.

Corolla, a politically incorrect comedian who regularly appears on the Tucker Carlson Show, was kicked to the curb by his wife in 2021. It is speculated that she went on an adventure to do cocaine with the blacks in between interracial gang-bangs, as is the standard behavior of women.

The comedian announced the human tragedy on his podcast, saying: “It’s not something that I wanted to get or to do. I’m a product of divorce, Lynette’s a product of divorce… No one ever signs up to get divorced.”

It’s questionable if that’s even true. Women virtually all force a divorce at some point, simply to hurt men and their children. It doesn’t matter how rich you are, it doesn’t matter how “alpha” you are. Look at what happened to Tom Brady.

There is no real way to avoid it.

Corolla, left alone, had no options but to go nuclear with a trollop who has nuclear power plant cooling towers bulging out of her brassiere like basketballs.

Divorce is the worst thing that can ever happen to any man, and it is an even worse thing for the children. Women simply do not care about their own children. They think destroying their lives is a joke. They would completely ruin their children and condemn them to a life of pain and suffering simply to feel “happy.”

Children are worth less to a woman than some mild annoyance – real or imagined – that she feels.

Women will then of course blame the divorce on the man, despite the fact that no man wants a divorce, ever, under any circumstances, or he wouldn’t have married the woman in the first place. When a man gets a younger woman after being a victim of divorce, women will say “oh, I guess he traded in for a newer model.” This is pure blood libel. When a woman leaves a man, what is he supposed to do? Find a used-up old sow? Of course he’s going to get a younger woman. That in no way means he wanted the divorce, or had anything to do with the decision.

Here’s the ultimate proof: no woman will say that divorce should be outlawed. Even vile cunts who claim to be Christians will not agree to outlawing divorce. Meanwhile, most men – especially married men! – want divorce to be outlawed.

Women must be put back in their place. If they want a divorce, then they should not get married in the first place.

We are going to have a Christian society. Mark my words.