After Years Claiming Men Menstruate, The Guardian is Now Claiming That Only Women Menstruate

Everyone gets the point about abortion – this is a way to make it so there are zero consequences for women’s sexual decisions. It is also some kind of Jewish ritual human sacrifice, as the Jews themselves are constantly saying.

Jews are out there getting very aggressive about this right now, and saying that a ban on abortion is a ban on practicing the religion of Judaism. They use various gibberish to try to explain this, but it means what it sounds like – killing infants is a core element of the Jew religion.

Jews are retarded for allowing their women to run buckwild and say this all over the internet. People are seeing this. Evangelical Christians are the epitome of “goyim,” but abortion is one of the few things they actually care about and they are seeing these Jews saying that abortion is a Jew sacrament.

Maybe that will make them question the claim that the sickening Jew religion is somehow related to the Christian Bible?

Anyway: one thing that is not Jewish is banning menstruating women from public spaces. This is just an obvious necessity of any civilized society, so I’m glad we’re talking about this.

The Guardian:

Spainā€™s Socialist-led coalition government is preparing a law that would allow women over the age of 16 to have abortions without permission from their parents or guardians, and introduce up to five days of menstrual leave a month.

The draft legislation, which is due to be approved by the cabinet next week, is intended to ensure that abortion is available to all those using the public health system, and that menstruation is treated as a proper health issue.

The legislation would do away with a 2015 measure, introduced by the conservative Peopleā€™s party, which requires women aged 16 and 17 to obtain parental consent for abortions. It would also scrap the current three-day period of reflection for those seeking a termination.

Formally known as the law for the protection of sexual and reproductive rights and the guaranteeing of the voluntary termination of pregnancies, the draft measures would introduce an official register allowing medical staff who object to abortion to opt out of involvement in the procedure.

Currently, some women have to either travel long distances to find a public hospital willing to perform terminations or pay for private treatment.

ā€œIt is this governmentā€™s duty and its intention to safeguard the right to abortion in the public health system and do away with the obstacles that prevent women from deciding when it comes to their bodies and their lives,ā€ the equality minister, Irene Montero, said in February.

ā€œThe voluntary termination of a pregnancy will be guaranteed in all public hospitals. For that to happen, all centres with obstetrics and gynaecology services will need to have staff who guarantee the right to voluntary termination of a pregnancy. We will scrupulously respect the right to conscientious objection and we will make it thoroughly compatible with womenā€™s right to decide when it comes to their bodies.ā€

Other parts of the bill would end VAT on menstrual products and allow between three and five days of leave each month for women who have incapacitating periods.

Imagine that The Guardian is now talking about “women” who menstruate.

The Guardian was pushing the “men also menstruate and have children” thing long before any American media.

This is from 2016:

In America, as recently as 2019, TV host Bill Maher was claiming that no one believes that men can menstruate.

“Who is saying this?” Maher asked. He then denied that men’s restrooms at UC Berkley have tampon dispensers.

In 2022, men’s restrooms at the Columbus (Ohio) Public Library have tampon dispensers, and the claim that “only women menstruate” is considered hate speech that you can have your life destroyed over.

Or it was – up until ten days ago.

Now you can probably be liferuined for telling women that men also menstruate.

Do you see how this works?

It’s not serious.

This is not a serious society.

Claiming that men can menstruate and all of these other tranny claims were insane and unserious enough already – but then they can just reverse it, without even explaining the reversal, and we’re supposed to not notice this?

I stand with birthing people against these biological front holes who think they are superior to men.

Lauren Boebert might be a Ukraine stooge and a literal actor, but at least she’s willing to stand up for men with vaginas – which is more than I can say for the entire Democrat Party, including The Guardian.