Alabama Approves Near Total Ban on Abortions: Rape and Incest are No Longer Valid Reasons to Abort

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2019

No one yet understands the neuroscience behind it, but white women are somehow stupider than literal niggers.

Why can’t these people just accept that women have the right to end at will the human lives they’re supposed to nurture and grow?

It’s not that hard to understand that women have the right to destroy our species by choosing not to give birth. They have more important things to do, such as having sex with apes, making PowerPoint presentations in an office or watching Netflix shows about women who have sex with apes and make PowerPoint presentations in an office.


The Alabama House voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to outlaw almost all abortions in the state as conservatives took aim at the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

The Republican-dominated House of Representatives voted 74-3 for legislation that would make it a felony to perform an abortion at any stage in a woman’s pregnancy. The proposal passed after Democrats walked out of the chamber after sometimes emotional debate with opponents and supporters crowding the gallery. The bill now moves to the Alabama Senate.

Supporters said the bill is intentionally designed to conflict with the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion nationally, hoping to spark court cases that might prompt the justices to revisit Roe. The bill contains an exemption for situations in which there is a serious risk to the mother’s health, but not for rape and incest.

“The heart of this bill is to confront a decision that was made by the courts in 1973 that said the baby in a womb is not a person,” said Republican Rep. Terri Collins of Decatur.

Republicans in the chamber applauded after the bill was approved after more than two hours of sometimes emotional debate. Collins acknowledged that such a ban would likely be struck down by lower courts, but she said the aim is eventually to get to the Supreme Court.

Without the numbers to stop the bill, Democrats walked off the House floor ahead of the vote, calling the proposal both extreme and fiscally irresponsible. They said the ban would cost the state money for a potentially expensive legal fight that could be spent on other needs.

Rep. Louise Alexander, a Democrat, said the choice to give birth to a child should be left up to a woman, and the decision should not be made on the floor of the Alabama Legislature.

You don’t know why I may want to have an abortion. It may be because of my health. It may be because of many reasons. Until all of you in this room walk in a woman’s shoes, y’all don’t know,” Alexander said.

Collins argued that adding exemptions would weaken the intent of the bill as a vehicle to challenge Roe. She said if states regain the ability to decide abortion access, Alabama lawmakers could come back and decide what exemptions to allow.

I understand why they don’t exempt incest from the bill, but such a strategy is only needed because of this Talmudic law system we have in place, where artificial and often insane imaginary rules trump common-sense and pragmatism.

After we fix the issue of women being able to make decisions, we can look into aborting retards and other eugenic policies. But we have to take away the rights we’ve given to women first, otherwise these whores will continue to drive the civilization train off a cliff.

Louise Alexander is an uppity negress. This “empowered woman” thing – marked by “you ain’t know me, you ain’t know what I been did, you ain’t can’t judge me” – is purely something adapted from the negress to sell to the white woman by the Jew.

Look at the lower lip of Rep. Louise Alexander. The thing should be caged in a zoo.

The issue isn’t even killing babies as an isolated and specific concept. If browns or blacks impregnate white women, we should be aborting those abominations with no hesitation.

The issue is that women are able to choose. When women are able to choose, they make poor and harmful choices. You can corroborate this claim simply by looking at what these womb-containers do.

Women are not capable of controlling their own bodies. When they claim that they should be able to have abortions, they’re saying that they’re too dumb and irresponsible to prevent pregnancies despite there being a whole industry of contraceptive pills and other tools at their disposal to aid them in their whoring.

It’s not just that they’re unable to prevent themselves from spreading their legs or to prevent dicks from ejaculating inside of their vaginas, it’s also that they’re incapable of remembering to take the pill that’s supposed to empower and liberate them — which is even worse when you consider that they also have an emergency pill available to use in those cases.

Women are literally drooling retards. Anyone who has slept in a bed with a woman knows that they literally drool. Allowing them to manage reproduction – and then choose to just stop reproduction – simply because the baby containers of the species are attached to them is utterly insane.

There’s a reason our ancestors didn’t take women and their wants seriously.

Women are tools, and tools are only useful when you use them.

If we want women women to be elevated out of the degeneracy pit they currently find themselves in and to reach new heights, we have to raise them ourselves.