All Officers Acquitted in Freddie Gray Murder Hoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 27, 2016


Trump has come out agreeing with me.

Original article follows.


These six White racist cops killed an innocent heroin dealer by driving a van wrong because they hated the color of his skin.

This Black bitch who hoaxed these charges should be charged with something for hoaxing the charges.

I said back when this happened – when she made the unilateral decision to charge cops with murder for allegedly driving a van wrong – that there was no way any of them would be convicted of anything.

Instead of apologizing, this bitch is calling for the justice system itself to be fundamentally altered to protect criminals from the police.

Fox News:

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby on Wednesday gave an emotional defense of her office’s decision to press charges against six officers in the death of Freddie Gray, the same day she announced the remaining charges would be dropped without any convictions.

“We do not believe that Freddie Gray killed himself,” she said forcefully to a crowd of supporters not far from where Gray was arrested. Mosby also claimed some police officers hindered her office’s efforts to prosecute the case. “This system is in need of reform.”

To her critics, she added, “I signed up for this, and I can take it.”

Mosby had wasted little time in announcing charges after Gray’s death — one day after receiving the police department’s investigation while a tense city was still under curfew — and she did not shy from the spotlight. She posed for magazine photos, sat for TV interviews and even appeared onstage at a Prince concert in Gray’s honor.

However, the case came to an abrupt end Wednesday morning. A judge had already acquitted three of the six officers charged, including the driver of the police van that was carrying 25-year-old Freddie Gray.

Gray’s neck was broken while he was handcuffed and shackled but left unrestrained in the back of a police van in April 2015. His death added fuel to the growing Black Lives Matter movement, set off massive protests in the city and led to the worst riots the city had seen in decades.

The city’s troubles forced Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to fire her reform-minded police chief and abandon her re-election campaign. Homicides skyrocketed at a rate unseen in decades.



It’s almost like prosecuting cops for murder for doing their jobs makes cops afraid to do their jobs, huh?

No reputations hinged on the case’s outcome as much as those of Mosby and her husband, Nick, a councilman for Baltimore’s west side who announced his mayoral candidacy shortly after Rawlings-Blake pulled out.

Marilyn Mosby spoke so forcefully when she announced the charges against the officers in May that defense attorneys argued she should recuse herself for bias.

She declined to take questions Wednesday, citing a lawsuit the officers have filed against her. Attorneys for the officers planned a news conference for later Wednesday.

Gray’s parents both spoke briefly. His mother, Gloria Darden, said police “lied, I know they lied, and they killed him.


Yes. They murdered him by driving a van wrong.

Because they hated the color of his skin.

Even though 3 of the 6 also had the hated skin color…

Three of the officers charged are white and three are black. The victim, judge, top prosecutor and mayor are African-American. At the time of Gray’s death, so was the police chief.

That’s just more proof it’s White people’s fault!

On Wednesday, instead of a pretrial hearing for Officer Garrett Miller — who had faced assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment charges — Chief Deputy State’s Attorney Michael Schatzow told the judge that prosecutors were dropping the charges against Miller and the rest of the officers.

After Gray’s death, the U.S. Justice Department launched a patterns and practice investigation into allegations of widespread abuse and unlawful arrests by the Baltimore Police Department. The results have not been released.

Prosecutors had said Gray was illegally arrested after he ran away from a bike patrol officer and the officers failed to buckle Gray into a seat belt or call a medic when he indicated he wanted to go to a hospital.

Yeah. He was running from the cops.

Plus he had a knife of a kind that is illegal in Baltimore.

And he was a convicted felon and known heroin dealer.


But I guess we have to consider the fact that the only reason he was running from cops and selling heroin is that his ancestors were slaves hundreds of years ago, right?

Right, goyim???

By the way, this has been over a year ago, so maybe you’ve forgotten what OUR NEGROID MASTER said about it at the time. He talked specifically about that CVS they looted and burned and said it was White people’s fault for not somehow making Blacks not poor anymore.

md-main-jump-looting-737x540 150427224246-09-baltimore-clashes-0427-super-169 150428014927-restricted-03-baltimore-0428-super-169

For whatever reason, he hasn’t deleted the statements from his website.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes out now and says the justice system needs to be altered so that Blacks can’t be arrested ever.

In fact, I would be surprised if he didn’t come out and say something to that effect.

It just keeps getting dumber.

But you gotta admire the nerve of this monkey.


I stand in awe.