Schizos keep telling me that the US has working hypersonic missiles, they’re just a secret.
How can they be a secret? How can you test missiles in secret? Many people promoting these schizo conspiracies are actually just very stupid, and not even actually schizophrenic at all.
Here’s the fact: Russia and China both have more competent scientific establishments than the US. How is that not obvious? None of these schizos have ever been to Russia or China. It would make sense that countries with working transport systems and no junkies and black gangs on the streets would also have working missile development teams.
An American hypersonic missile test flight ended in a failure in Hawaii on Wednesday, Bloomberg has reported citing the Pentagon. The US Department of Defense offered few details of what happened, stating only that “an anomaly occurred following ignition of the test asset.”
“While the Department was unable to collect data on the entirety of the planned flight profile, the information gathered from this event will provide vital insights,” Pentagon spokesman Navy Lieutenant Commander Tim Gorman was quoted as saying by the news agency.
The botched test was part of the Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS) program, under which Lockheed Martin is trying to develop weapons capable of flying at speeds of Mach 5 and above, for the use of submarines and surface ships.
It suffered another setback in October 2021, when a booster rocket failed to deliver its hypersonic glide vehicle during a test at the Pacific Spaceport Complex in Kodiak, Alaska. The booster was not part of the weapon system, defense officials stressed at the time.
Despite the failure of both tests, the Pentagon said it remains confident that it is on track to field offensive hypersonic capabilities in the early 2020s.
Just think: who is going to develop a better missile:
- A sweaty fat guy who’s huffing and puffing like he’s about to pass out?
- A well composed Russian or Chinaman who looks clean and well-groomed?
Obviously, America has a better legacy military, and a much bigger military budget, they have a lot of aircraft carriers, but when it comes to the development of future weapons, the US is losing.
The Jews are disappoint.
Maybe the Jews should have thought it through a bit before turning their primary defender nation into a den of fat, sloppy child molesters obsessed with abortion and windmills.
China and Russia have functional current gen hypersonic missiles, and they maybe have such an overwhelming nuclear first strike capability that the American military is irrelevant.
The only people in America who are not fat are on fentanyl, or they are homosexuals on steroids.
The American government people talking about how they’re going to start winning the Ukraine war soon is like a junkie talking about how she’s going to quit shooting up tomorrow.