American Jewish Committee Woman Explains Jews are Responsible for Multiculturalism

Daily Stormer
April 16, 2014

In the above clip, the Jewish witch and American Jewish Committee member Anne Schaffer does not mince words in explaining that Jews are responsible for forwarding the unnatural practices of multiculturalism (multiracialism).

Of course, we were already aware of such, as we can see them doing it. The Jewish fiend Eric Cantor, while pretending to be a conservative American, is presently pushing for legalization of all illegal immigrants, and the Jew Schumer has been for a long time the biggest invasion advocate in Congress.

Still, it is effective, I believe, to hear them bragging about their deviant agenda, especially when introducing new people to this type of information. There simply is no debate: we say the Jews are behind multiculturalism and the Jews say the Jews are behind multiculturalism.

Thus, one can choose to be for the Jews and for multiculturalism but one cannot choose to be against multiculturalism and for the Jews. If one is opposed to the invasion agenda, he is also opposed to the Jews, whether he knows it or not.

Here’s another useful clip: Barbara Spectre says the Jews are responsible for the invasion.

And this one: Anetta Kahane says we need unlimited non-White immigration into Europe to save us.