American Pravda Part II: CNN’s Van Jones Admits Russia Kookspiracy is a “Nothing Burger”

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
June 28, 2017

CNN’s Van Jones is on video admitting that the Russia kookspiracy narrative is a “nothing burger.”

Project Veritas has dropped more footage from their under cover infiltration of the evil fake news organization known as CNN.

This new clip shows CNN pundit Van Jones admitting that the Russia kookspiracy crap is a “nothing burger.”

Like the last PV video showing a CNN producer admitting that the Russia kookspiracy narrative is bullshit, this clip has become the number one trending video on YouTube.

Tucker Carlson also did a whole segment on this new clip.

Could things get any worse for CNN? The answer to that question is a definite yes.

Their ratings are in free fall and they have anchors on air crying about how their own fake news reporting is Donald Trump’s fault. They keep losing more and more credibility every day with their ridiculous behavior.

Project Veritas presumably has more under cover footage that they’re preparing to drop. We can only imagine what else they will expose.

One thing is for sure. We are witnessing the end of an era. Cable news no longer has the ability to shape public opinion. CNN’s downfall is proof of this. They have become synonymous with the term “fake news.”