Dayton Ohio Shooter Identified – White Man, Killed Own Sister in the Attack

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 4, 2019


So the shooter did kill his sister’s boyfriend too.


Megan Betts was the sister of the gunman who killed nine people in the Dayton shooting. According to NBC News, her boyfriend was also killed in the shooting. It is not yet known which of the other victims was her boyfriend. Dayton Police corrected erroneous media reports that Megan Betts and her boyfriend were found dead in a car.

Two of the victims were white guys, the other six were black.

So it’s possible that he could have killed his sister because she was dating a black guy.

There is no reason to believe that now, but I won’t be surprised if that is the narrative they come out with.

If that happens, I will probably be convinced that these two shootings yesterday were a staged glownigger hoax.


Well, it is another White guy.

But it isn’t political. You don’t kill your own sister in a political shooting. One would assume that he was targeting her and then just shot a bunch of other people because hey, why not? They probably deserve it too.

The only way it could be political is if he was honor-killing his sister because she was dating a black guy and so he just started shooting a bunch of other black people after he got her. But if that was the case, I think the media would have said it by now.

But there are definitely a lot of blacks in Dayton – it is a Baltimore-tier shithole, almost half black.

Fox News:

The sister of the gunman in the deadly rampage in Dayton, Ohio, was among the nine killed during the early-morning shooting in a popular nightlife area that left dozens injured, officials revealed Sunday.

Dayton Deputy Director and Assistant Chief of Police Lt. Col. Matt Carper identified the gunman as 24-year-old Connor Betts. His sister, 22-year-old Megan Betts, was among the nine killed, according to Carper, who added that all of those killed during the rampage were shot in the city’s Oregon District around Fifth Street.

Betts was killed by police less than a minute after he opened fire with a .223-caliber rifle in the streets of the Oregon District around 1 a.m. Sunday in the second U.S. mass shooting in less than 24 hours after at least 20 people were slain in El Paso, Texas.

“This is a heartbreaking tragedy,” Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine told reporters at a news conference Sunday afternoon. “It is the type of tragedy that you hope never comes to your state.”

Carper said of the nine victims, four were females and five were males. The other victims were identified as 27-year-old Lois L. Oglesby, 38-year-old Saeed Saleh, 57-year-old Derrick R. Fudge, 30-year-old Logan M. Turner, 25-year-old Nicholas P. Cumer, 25-year-old Thomas J. McNichols, 36-year-old Beatrice N. Warren-Curtis and 39-year-old Monica E. Brickhouse.

Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley said the gunman was wearing body armor and had additional high-capacity magazines.  The Oregon District was filled with “thousands” of people out on a weekend night at the time, according to Whaley. Officers were also stationed in the neighborhood and were able to halt the rampage less than a minute after it began, the mayor added.

This is really, really nuts the way there were two of these in one day and now the second one is overshadowing the first one.

It definitely does make you start wondering about these MK Ultra type conspiracy theories.

And I mean, with Trump coming out and saying “White people” and really upping the racism, it makes sense that if deep state kikes were going to do this sort of thing, they would do it now.

I’m not ready to make that claim as some kind of fact, but it is definitely something I’m thinking about. And I rarely think about such things. But two in one day – this is just really suspicious.

You wanna know something else weird?

Abandoned shoes were seen in the area of the shooting — left behind as panicking people fled. Police tape could be seen on Sunday morning near a pile of shoes outside the bar where the gunfire erupted.

Seriously – what the fuck?

Here’s the picture:

I can understand with the flip-flops in that picture, but who takes off sneakers to run during a mass shooting?

Some of these are literal running shoes.

What does it mean???

UPDATE 11:38:

The police just again refused to identify the shooter or give his race. He was asked specifically about race and said he wouldn’t say it.

This almost certainly means the shooter isn’t White.

Coulter’s Rule says that the longer they wait to identify the shooter, the less the likelihood that he’s White, and we’re nearly 12 hours out on this one.

Original article follows.

There was just another mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio. This comes just hours after the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas.

Here’s a black guy on the scene saying there are 12 dead (the video is funny).

The media is saying 10 dead and 24 injured.

And the 10th corpse is that of the shooter.


Police and other emergency services in Ohio are responding to a shooting with multiple fatalities near downtown Dayton, local officials and witnesses say. Only few details are currently available.

It happened just after 1 a.m. on Sunday when police were called for an “active shooter” at or near a bar on East 5th Street in the Oregon District. Details about the circumstances of the shooting are not yet known.

According to initial reports, multiple people have been killed and others are seriously injured, but there’s no official word on the total number of victims. A video taken by a witness appeared to show at least two bodies on the street.

A large number of emergency services are at the scene while officers work to secure the area, which is close to a number of bars and restaurants. A suspect is believed to be “down,” but police have yet to confirm this.

This Jew woman is saying the shooter is White.

Other media reports were saying this, though this tweet is now deleted:

As we know, that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s actually White. They often identify Arabs and Mexicans as White. It really just means “not black.”

I guess we probably won’t know until later in the morning at this point – we’ll keep you updated.

Two mass shootings by White people in the same day would be quite a thing. And definitely more than a little bit suspicious.

The going is getting weirder, making me ever more confident in my decision to go pro.