Anti-Gun Crusader Attacks Black America in Evil Racist Tweet

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

April 23, 2015

Nicholas Kristof spent his life as a crusader for oppressed Brown people.  Now his real plan comes to light: to become the new Hitler and commit mass genocide against the "inferiors."
Nicholas Kristof spent his life as a crusader for oppressed Brown people. Now his real plan comes to light: to become the new Hitler and commit mass genocide against the “inferiors.”

The anti-gun crusader Nicholas Kristof, who is obsessed with getting up in our business, has made an incidiary and racist Tweet, insulting and degrading Blacks in this country.

Posting a link to a story about a victimized Negress who was forced by conscious to act against systematic institutionalized racism, he wrote “Woman upset that her McDonalds bacon burger doesn’t have bacon. So, this being America, she pulls a gun and fires it.”

Looking at the Tweet, we wonder what country we are in – 2015 America, or 1930s Nazi Germany?  We also wonder if we are reading the Tweet of a liberal journalist or someone who makes lampshades out of the skin of undesirables.

Feel free to tweet up @NickKristof, and let this Nazi bastard know what you think of his hateful ways.