Anti-Semitism: Heads the Jews Win, Tails the Goyim Lose

Daily Stormer
July 8, 2019

With Jews, you lose. The search for Jewish approval is a game you can win only by refusing to play.

A good example of this comes from cucked Deutschland, where the federal parliament recently voted on a motion condemning the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as “anti-Semitic.”

Up pops an article in Haaretz, written by Daniel Blatman, “a Holocaust era historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and chief historian of the Warsaw Ghetto Museum,” insinuating that this motion itself was “anti-Semitic.”

Almost all the members of the Bundestag – Social Democrats, Free Democrats and the Greens – voted recently in favor of a resolution that defines the BDS movement as anti-Semitic. Following that sweeping decision, Germany has become a leading member of the coalition of “distorters of anti-Semitism.” Fellow members are leaders like Viktor Orban of Hungary, Matteo Salvini of Italy and Heinz-Christian Strache of Austria. All are lovers of Israel, serious racists and also, if necessary, anti-Semites.

That is how a country where anti-Semitism was a political tool that contributed to the rise of the Nazis’ murderous enterprise became a country that promotes distortion of anti-Semitism as a tool to facilitate the political persecution of a nonviolent movement that fights the occupation, the oppression of the Palestinians and the war crimes Israel perpetrates in the territories.

So, you pathetically prostrate yourself in front of the Jews, do everything they demand, and still they compare you to the Nazis and call you an anti-Semite! You cannot win with these people.

One guy stood up and defended free speech. The Jews mobilized against him and got him fired.

Germany is unique in that pressure from Israel’s government has influenced the political mood to the point where, with support from some of the local Jewish community, a witch hunt has erupted there. At present it is aimed at the director of the Jewish Museum Berlin, Peter Schaefer, a leading intellectual in the field of Jewish studies, who has come out against undermining the freedom of expression and warned of the danger of branding anyone who criticizes Israel as “anti-Semitic.”

Peter Schaefer is a serious Talmudic scholar. He wrote an interesting book on how the Talmud deals with Jesus Christ, admitting that the stories circulating since the Middle Ages, that it refers to Jesus in obscene terms, describing him as boiling in excrement, etc., were true. No doubt this was another reason why the Jews wanted rid of him.

If you refuse to accept the Jews’ definition of anti-Semitism, you’re an anti-Semite. If you do accept it, you’re still an anti-Semite, but in a different way.

Traditional, familiar anti-Semitism was characterized by a multifaceted hostility to Jews and Judaism, the demonization of Jews, a preoccupation with their collective traits and their business dealings, and myths and stereotypes that painted the Jew as the devil incarnate. The new anti-Semitism of today’s European nationalist populists – whose definitions Germany has adopted – could be defined as functional anti-Semitism. It is based on the principle that anyone whom certain Jews want to define as antiSemitic will be defined as such.

In other words, this is no longer anti-Semitism that distinguishes between Jews and non-Jews based on criteria like religion, culture, nationality or race – but one that makes a distinction between antiSemites and non-anti-Semites, based on criteria set by the Israeli government and by Jews and non-Jews who support it, in Germany and other countries.

Blatman admits that the anti-Semitic perception of Jews – as a dominating power able to bend politicians to their will – does seem to be kind of true.

 …why has the Bundestag become a doormat for an organization whose activities and recklessness fit the classic antiSemitic stereotypes of Jewish domination and of the Jews’ ability to drive the international political system to work on behalf of their interests – in this case, those of Israel? Why did the Bundestag almost unanimously adopt a definition of anti-Semitism written by IHRA, a group that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu exalts and glorifies because of its role in the battle against BDS?

This is one of the “good Jews.” But even he is rolling out Nazi comparisons and branding his opponents “anti-Semites.”  It is vain to look for a comfortable place within the Jews’ moral ecosystem. Only by disengaging from their reality can we hope to prevail.