AOC Supports Taylor Swift Against Vicious Kike

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2019

Alexandria has been hating on Jews like nuts lately.

First she came out against Stephen Miller, now she’s coming out against Scooter Braun.

The Hill:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Friday voiced support for artist Taylor Swift on Twitter.

The award-winning singer and songwriter tweeted Thursday about her ongoing battle against record executives Scooter Braun and Scott Borchetta.

According to Swift’s tweet, Braun and Borchetta, who own the rights to Swift’s older songs, are prohibiting the 29-year-old from performing those songs live.

The freshman congresswoman took to Twitter to show her support for Swift.

“Private equity groups’ predatory practices actively hurt millions of Americans,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Friday.

Yeah, sure, “private equity groups” – might as well be talking about “rootless cosmopolitans” or “European-style socialists” or “Jewish bankers.”

It’s high time that organized Jewry rose up and crushed this Puerto Rican woman who keeps talking about how Jews have too much power.

Scooter Braun is a legitimate businessman, and America is a marketplace that exists for the sole reason for Jews to do business here.

Taylor Swift has no rights.