Arizona Declares Porn a Public Health Risk, Almost One in Three Young Adults Started Watching It Before Puberty

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2019

In a surprising display of blatant anti-Semitism, Arizona has declared pornography — which is a totally Jewish industry — a public health risk.

This is like declaring Jews a public health risk.

Daily Mail:

Arizona has declared pornography a public health risk – a year after Florida did the same.

The move, voted 16-13 in the state Senate on Monday, is nothing more than a gesture, with no concrete ramifications.

But Republican Senator Sylvia Allen insists it is a powerful move ‘because it’s the first time we’re making a statement… about the epidemic of pornography.’

Blaming porn for the rise of syphilis, HIV, unplanned pregnancies and underage sex, Sen. Allen said: ‘Billions of dollars worldwide are being made upon this industry that is poisoning the minds of our citizens.’

She said it was ‘the root problem for many of the other problems that we’re experiencing,’ and it has ‘morphed into something…horrible.’

Opponents on the other side of the aisle said the measure was a waste of time amid other health crises, like the rising rate of women dying in childbirth, and the nationwide measles outbreak.

‘I think we really need to focus on those types of things that are life-threatening and fatal, and could spread so quickly to anybody,’ Minority Whip Sen. Jamescita Peshlakai, a Democrat, told the Arizona Republic.

The rising rate of women dying in childbirth affects mostly minorities and the nationwide measles outbreak is a problem in Jewish schools and communities, while pornography — despite probably being watched by people of all skin colors — is the most detrimental to white people for multiple reasons that can be traced back to the Jews, such as the way white women and white men are portrayed and what is being done to them.

Last year, Florida passed an identical resolution, spearheaded by Republican Representative Ross Spano who claimed that research has found links between pornography and ‘mental and physical illnesses,’ among a host of other societal and individual ills.

The resolution passed by 18 to one in the House, where the sole dissenter, Democrat Dr Cary Pigman, was also the only medical doctor on the committee.

Pigman… a fitting name for the only one that opposed declaring porn a public health risk.

Bill sponsor Spano initially wanted to have have pornography dubbed a state public health crisis – a status held by the opioid epidemic – in Florida, but the resolution passed by deeming adult material a ‘risk’ instead.

Spano’s concern over porn stemmed in part from his worry over his own son, local news station WFSU reported.

‘I asked my child, ‘Well when did you first?’ He said, ‘I was probably ten.’ And I said, ‘Well how did you..?’ And he said, ‘An older kid showed me. An older kid in the neighborhood,” Spano told the station.

In the resolution, he cited research finding that 27 percent of young adults ‘report that they first viewed pornography before the onset of puberty.’

The resolution says that porn has ties to a wide-ranging slew of adverse health effects, including low self-esteem, eating disorders, normalizing violence and abuse of women and children, marital problems and that it is ‘potentially biologically addictive, resulting in the user consuming increasingly more shocking material to satisfy the addiction.’

Research has shown that watching pornography earlier tends to be linked to having sex younger, and small studies suggest that exposure at a young age may affect men’s attitudes toward women.

Porn is addictive. It rewires people’s brains and messes with their capacity to delay gratification and focus. Watching porn immediately puts men into a humiliating and passive role, as it makes them sit still to witness other people performing sexual acts on women they’d like to have sex with. In this sense, watching porn can be considered an act of cuckoldry.

There’s data suggesting that watching enough porn may turn you gay.

Watching women experience sexual pleasure while experiencing no sexual pleasure of their own — besides the self-inflicted kind — also conditions men to find pleasure in satisfying women, which is an inversion of nature and the exact opposite of what is supposed to happen.

But that’s not the end of it. The Jews also use porn to brainwash people — especially women — into engaging in interracial sex and relationships through their black-and-white contrast of blacks and whites. They portray blacks as manly men with big dicks and whites as impotent, boring and fragile.

Many believe that interracial cuckold porn is being forced on people by Jewish-run porn sites. And while this is probably true, a look at the top downloaded porn videos on torrents sites (where people are able to choose whatever porn they want without being suggested anything) shows that black-on-white porn is now organically popular.

Though I do not watch porn, I use torrent sites to download torrents and often check in on top ten catalogs (showing top ten movies, shows, animes, etc. along with top porn), and there are always “blacked” videos in the porno column.

So people are developing some kind of affinity for this; it is being watched on purpose.

To more effectively turn white men into cuckolds and white women into the whores of diverse-skinned beasts, it is important for the Jews to expose young children to it as soon as possible because young kids’ brains are easier to influence and program. This is why they push hard for early sex “education” and why they put sexually explicit imagery pretty much everywhere.

The sooner kids start thinking about sex, the sooner they’ll become curious enough to search for some porn to watch. The moment that happens they’re likely to get hooked, and good luck trying to keep a kid with a smartphone, tablet and a laptop from accessing pornography.

The biggest problem with porn is that it is both ubiquitous and universally appealing. There is no human being that is not immediately drawn in by images of people having sex with each other. So the only thing you can do is consciously resist the urge, or you are immediately an addict. And because addiction has no obvious physical effects, in the way addiction to drugs does, people will naturally access the easily-available dopamine high that porn provides without thinking twice.

It’s said that the first step toward solving a problem is recognizing that there is one. Regardless of the immediate outcome, declaring porn a public health risk forces a discussion about this.

People will notice things about porn and they may even start going deep into the rabbi hole.

Andrew Anglin contributed to this report.