Arizona Senate Repeals 1864’s “Strict” Abortion Ban Thanks to Two Republicans

We can thank Donald Trump for this.

More dead babies, thanks to the big guy.

Anyone who votes for Trump after he endorsed killing little babies is going to hell.


The Arizona Senate voted on Wednesday to repeal the state’s 1864 ban on abortion, which could otherwise have taken effect within weeks.

The repeal was passed by the Senate in a 16-14 vote and is expected to be quickly signed by Governor Katie Hobbs, a Democrat. Two Republican senators crossed party lines to vote in favor of repealing the ban.

The Arizona House last week passed the measure after a handful of Republicans broke party ranks and voted with Democrats to send it to the Senate.

“We’re here to repeal a bad law,” Senator Eva Burch, a Democrat, said from the floor. “I don’t want us honoring laws about women, written during a time when women were forbidden from voting.”

Republican Senator Wendy Rogers said in casting her vote to maintain the 1864 ban that repealing the law went against the conservative values of Arizona.

Life starts at conception. They got it right in 1864. We need to continue to get it right in 2024,” Rogers said.

The 1864 law was revived by a state Supreme Court ruling on April 9, and unless the legislature intervened, it could have taken effect within 60 days of that ruling, state Attorney General Kris Mayes, a Democrat, has said.

It’s not even about women. It’s about killing babies.

Well, that’s what the law is about.

The women are the ones who push for it, because they want to be allowed to have unprotected sex with strange men during their ovulation.

It’s like a 72-hour period that these women would be required to either use a condom or only have sex with men they are okay with having a child with. And that is too much to ask of these hoes.

It’s also too much to ask of anti-Christ baby-killer Donald Trump.