Aryan Superman Named as Justified Killer of Useless Ape

I guess Black Lives Matter riots are still on hold?

An Aryan Superman was just named as the killer of a useless ape.

Detroit Free Press:

Christopher Schurr is the Grand Rapids police officer seen in video shooting motorist Patrick Lyoya to death after an April 4 traffic stop, Chief Eric Winstrom confirmed Monday.

“In the interest of transparency, to reduce ongoing speculation, and to avoid any further confusion, I am confirming the name already publicly circulating — Christopher Schurr — as the officer involved in the April 4 officer involved shooting,” Winstrom said in a statement.

Schurr remains on administrative leave without police powers while an investigation into the shooting continues, Winstrom said.

Lyoya’s family, lawyers and others have been demanding the release of the officer’s name.

Maybe if Lyoya’s family and lawyers had been using this amount of effort to demand that Patrick stop being a nigger, we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place?

Why do these apes think they are allowed to attack the cops?

Who does that?

Okay so the cops – I don’t even like the cops.

But you know they have guns.

You should not attack them.

If you do attack the cops, then it is kind of like, “okay, nigger – now you’re dead, so…”

So what?

You attacked a guy you knew had a gun, and now you’re dead, and that should be the end of the story.