V. Saxena
November 23, 2014

Every single day, I encounter an endless stream of articles and columns that go to great lengths to try and prove that black Americans face an endless onslaught of racism from the rest of the country. Why do so many blacks get arrested in Wisconsin? RACISM! Why do so many blacks in Ferguson get traffic tickets? RACISM! Why do some people support Officer Darren Wilson? RACISM! Why do some of us believe that blacks should stop proudly using the n-word? RACISM! Why did the chicken cross the road? RACISM!
The other constant, besides racism, is the stubborn unwillingness to confront (let alone acknowledge) black criminality. Just bringing up the fact that blacks commit more crime than anybody else is enough to get you labeled as a racist for life. Got to love it, right?
Anyway. According to the NY Daily News, six black high school students – Torreano Batton, 18, Tywuan Johnson, 17, Josea Sims, 17, Deoante Stewart, 17, Marquis Pierre, 16, and Tobert Aleaxander, 16 – “have been arrested in the brutal gang rape of a 16-year-old girl near their Central Florida school last week.”
The Orlando Sentinel adds the following about the gang rape:
Late Wednesday, police released the arrest affidavit detailing the alleged attack, which also says some of it was recorded on the girl’s iPod. The video shows the boys in the woods with the girl asking for sex acts, police said.
“During the video you clearly hear [the victim] advise ‘no,’ [and] ‘she wants to go back to school’ and you hear the males keep asking and even say ‘it’s his birthday,’” the report said. “[The victim] continues to say no and appears to have a nervous laugh. The males are circling her and appear to be trying to intimidate her into performing the acts and keeping her from leaving.”
Meanwhile, the liberal mainstream media is busy painting a narrative about how black life is expendable, and about how all young black criminals are “gentle giants,” and about how everybody else in the country (besides their favorite minorities) can walk around freely without having to worry about being shot, being robbed, being raped, etc.
Two words: Uh huh . . .