Aspiring Rapper Shoots Up the Mall

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 26, 2015


On my one day off of the year, I did peak at the news. The number one and two spots on Google News were about Blacks at malls.

The first was a “Black Christmas” protest against the genocide of unarmed teens staged in malls in Minnesota and California. The second was a mall shooting.


Police in North Carolina have identified the 18-year-old man who was killed on Thursday during a police-involved shooting inside a packed Charlotte shopping mall.

Daquan Antonio Westbrook – an aspiring rapper known as Donkey Cartel – was shot dead by an off-duty police officer who was working security at the Northlake Mall.

The officer responded to an argument that broke out between two rival groups.

A statement from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department alleges that Westbrook pulled out a gun during the fracas and started firing.

The off-duty officer ran toward the shots as shoppers scattered for the exits, the statement reads.

“Officer Thomas Ferguson responded to the scene and encountered a subject armed with a firearm,” the statement obtained by PEOPLE explains. “According to witnesses, the subject turned and pointed the weapon at Officer Ferguson who fired his service weapon.”

It is shocking that any single individual would be unable to make the connection between the level of violence Blacks engage in and the frequency with which they have violent encounters with police. The Blacks themselves are aware of it. Several top Blacks have come out and said these police shootings are being talked about too much and Blacks should instead focus on black-on-black crime.

Of course that would leave them having to protest themselves, and this is a group incapable of self-reflection or self-improvement of any kind. If they were capable of that, they would have benefited from the hundreds of years they’ve lived in White society. In actual fact, even while living in a technological system, modern African Americans are more primitive in their behavior patterns than their stone age ancestors who were brought here as slaves.