At Least We Still Have Nick Fuentes

Nick Fuentes held his second annual AFPAC conference over the weekend, giving the keynote speech of the event. As always, the lad shone like the full light of the sun shimmering off of a silver crucifix held in the face of Satan and his assembled armies.

Every day, I say: “Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” and never once have I been let down. A Nick Fuentes event is a great mercy.

The event was held in Orlando, where CPAC was also meeting. Nick tried to get in CPAC, and they stopped him at the door.

The first thing I want to make clear is that the “solid mustache with a little bit of stubble on the jaw” look is working magnificently, and I do think he’s effectively committed to this, long term. That is to say, some day, 50 or more years from now, when the smitten have been wholly smote and the meek reign supreme, some very elite funeral home in Chicago is going to be calling in a team of America’s most renowned facial grooming professionals to get it just right (however, I will give the caveat that there may at some point be a wartime beard). I do think the haircut is still going to need to be perfected.

This was a conference speech, so it doesn’t have the energy levels of his best street speeches during the Stop the Steal rallies (which were the highest energy levels we’d seen on video since the one other guy with a mustache a long time ago). But the delivery was as great as you’d expect, and the content was of key import. He said that the current threat to the populist agenda is not so much people like Liz Cheney, who is an open hater of white people, but people like that cripple, Madison Cawthorn, who says he’s supportive of America First but has the same agenda as Liz Cheney.

This topic was framed within the discussion of post-Trump electoral politics, including and specifically primary challenges to sitting Republicans in the 2022 midterms.

As the reader is aware, I don’t really think it is realistic to imagine a path to fixing America through electoral politics. But when I say that, I mean that there is no literal path of just winning elections and taking over the government. I am not against engaging with the system to the ends of building a support base. The fact is that people are always going to recognize authority figures, and political office is a symbol of authority.

I am supportive of the idea of people like Marjorie Taylor Greene being in office, and I wish she would not back down when questioned about Sandy Hook or whatever. I don’t necessarily agree with QAnon people, but they are hardcore, and they love America and hate the globalist elite. That is the type of people we need in office: people who are driven, with passion, who are willing to sacrifice.

Ultimately, the name of the game is polarization and white racial consciousness (which has to hold the inverse of anti-Semitism, because Jewishness is the core of anti-whiteness), and we are still on that path. Donald Trump, for all of his failings, did manage to turn politics into a situation of us vs. them. That isn’t going away, and it’s a very good thing.

Former Iowa representative Steve King attended this event, along with Michelle Malkin, who attended the first AFPAC. They were joined by secret, special guest Paul Gosar, who is a sitting Congressman from Arizona.

So, there is a clear trajectory towards the mainstream. Obviously, both King and Malkin are now marginal figures, but they are from the mainstream. Getting a sitting Congressman to appear is just fantastic. This is exactly how you would go about achieving a normalcy, where your Cookie Monster jokes are no different than a paralympian vet’s comments on black-on-black crime.

AFPAC is what the National Policy Institute was supposed to be. For whatever reason, however, instead of marketing the ideas of America, Richard Spencer said a bunch of really weird stuff and then brought in the media to film a Hitler salute. It’s a historic shame what happened to the Alt-Right, but it’s now well understood, and Nick is doing this right.

I will continue to assert that the only plausible long-term escape route here is a partitioning of the continental United States. Nick didn’t mention this. But the way you would actually, logistically work towards secession is to continue to push for the institutionalization of populism and polarization, which is what Nick is doing. The election theft and the coronavirus lunacy are apparently not enough of a fracture line to get the masses of people talking about secession, so it is reasonable that even if that is your end goal, you’d simply continue forward with what I’ve dubbed “normalizing normalcy.”

Nick rightly says that God is in charge, and you can only do what you think is right. It’s impossible to know how this apocalypse is going to shake out, but we know how it ends. Until then, it’s just one foot in front of the other, as we try to enjoy ourselves as much as possible.

Note: I plan to write more about this event, including posting the rest of the speeches. Frankly, I’ve had a long week, and I’ve only had time to watch Nick’s speech. I advise everyone else to do the same. I will write up the rest of the stuff by the week’s end. I will also be writing a full analysis of whatever Jake Lloyd was wearing.