Australia: Six Blacks Gang-Rape 14-Year-Old Girl in “Unprovoked” and “Random” Attack

Daily Stormer
February 10, 2014

This includes Australia.
This includes Australia.

Wherever you have blacks, you’re going to have girls getting gang-raped. That is a fact.

Of course, you must understand, White man, that they only do this because they are so oppressed. Otherwise, they are no more likely to commit gang-rape than you or I. Except that they are.

From Sky News:

Police are searching for a group of six men following the gang rape of a 14-year-old girl in Sydney’s west.

In an attack they believe was unprovoked and random, the 14-year-old girl was initially assaulted by one man in Doonside before his friends joined on Saturday night.

The first man approached the teenage girl about 11pm (AEDT) in Bill Colbourne Reserve on Hill End Road, inappropriately touching her before sexually assaulting her.

The man’s five friends then also sexually assaulted her before fleeing, leaving the girl to walk to a nearby home where police were called.

The men are all described as being of African appearance
and aged in their late teens to early 20’s and police have appealed for anyone with information to call crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.

How exactly do you provoke a gang-rape, Sky News? Why would you ever decide to describe a gang-rape as something we would assume had been provoked?

Well, we can assume that she did technically provoke them – by being White.