Australia: Victoria Creates “Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change” Role

“I’m here to suck dick and respect women at the same time. And I’m all outta dick.” – Tim Richardson

The world would be a paradise if women would just shut up.

Talk all you want about the Jews, but if it wasn’t for women, no one would support any of the various Jew agendas.

Women are a standing army of the Jewish social war against Western civilization.


As Australian women push for action on domestic violence – a problem described by the country’s prime minister as a “national crisis” – one state has appointed a special official charged with improving men’s behavior.

Victoria Premier Jacinta Allan announced Wednesday that state MP Tim Richardson would serve as the inaugural Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behavior Change – the first position of its kind in the country.

Jacinta Allan

Richardson said he would focus on the influence the internet and social media have on male attitudes towards women, and on building respectful relationships. It would not be “easy work, but it is important,” he added.

“We must make Victoria a safer place for women and children and work to end the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men,” Richardson wrote on X.

Gender-based violence is plaguing Australia – 31 women have been killed across the country so far this year, according to the Counting Dead Women project. Last year, 64 women were murdered, the group said.

Australia already has one of the lowest murder rates on the planet, literally lower than Iceland, and of the few people that do get killed, over two-thirds are men.

But let’s pretend violence against women is a serious problem in Australia.

Within hours of announcing the position, Richardson took to X, writing: “Some pretty hectic reactions here to an important role and Australian first. It will be about modelling positive role models for boys and men and ensuring we break away from gendered based stereotypes and building respectful relationships. As boys and men we need to lead this.”

While the new Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behavior Change now exists at a state level, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also announced in May a rapid review into the prevention of domestic violence after calling the problem a “national crisis.”

“We recognize that governments need to act, but we also recognize that this is an issue for the whole of society. Women should not be responsible for ending violence against women,” he said at the time.

Why are women’s lives so much more important than men’s lives, according to every Western government?

I mean, I understand the Jew thing – their lives are more important because Hitler put their shoes in a big pile.

But I’ve never heard about women having their shoes thrown in a pile.

Big think emoji, huh friend?

Why aren’t men who smack their wives treated like Bin Laden?