Australia: White Teen Girl Attacked by Black Girls, Only Russia Reports the Story

The story of a white girl getting gang attacked by blacks in Australia is a top story on the Russian website RT.

It’s not a top story on any Australian website. If it was reported at all, they didn’t point out the obvious racial dynamics. And as far as I can tell, it isn’t being reported at all by any national Australian site.

Meanwhile, a Russian politician recently came out and endorsed the rights of White Americans to isolate the blacks in a geographical territory.

Maybe the Russians care more about America and Australia than our own governments?


A hideous assault on a teenage girl in Melbourne sparked outrage, as footage of the stomach-churning attack spread across social media. The victim is reportedly too afraid to press charges against her assailants.

The 15-year-old was waiting for a train at Melbourne’s Southern Cross Station when she was ambushed by a group of around eight young people. Video of the attack shows the young white girl sitting on a bench as a group of black teens repeatedly punch and kick her head. The victim tries to block the blows with her hand, but never retaliates.

A local news channel, citing the victim’s mother, said the teen was also dragged to the ground and stomped on. She reportedly suffered broken ribs, black eyes, a swollen temple and bruises all over her body.

Her mother told the media that no one came to her daughter’s aid, even as she bled from her nose and mouth as she lay on the platform. The teen reportedly knew one of her attackers, and speculated that she’d been targeted because she’d spoken with a boy who was a love interest of one of the assailants.

Police were informed of the assault by the girl’s mother, but they have so far declined to investigate, reportedly claiming they need a statement from the victim. However, according to local news sources, the teenager is afraid there will be retribution if she presses charges against the group. The incident has caused an uproar online, with many speculating that the media has remained largely silent because the girl’s attackers were black.

You have to wonder if they would investigate it either way.

After all, blacks are a sacred and holy race, and investigating them for the brutal violent crimes they commit is a form of blasphemy. And whites are born evil, and they deserve to have violent crimes committed against them because of slavery.

Did you know Australia is having communist rallies in the name of George Floyd?