Australian High School Gives Pronoun Badges to Students

The real question about the changes we are seeing in society is: what percentage of the people who are pushing this stuff are taking it seriously, and what percentage are laughing at the malicious silliness they’re able to get the people to go along with?

I can believe that white women, the ultimate useful idiots, are taking it seriously. But surely, everyone else is giggling?

Daily Mail:

An Australian high school is handing out ‘pronoun badges’ to their students so they can tell others whether to call them he, she, or they.

Redcliffe High School in Brisbane’s northeast introduced the badges to promote inclusion among its transgender and non-binary students.

The pins – which were trialed last week by its LGBTIQ students – come in three different versions and are labelled either she/her, he/him or they/them.

Pronoun badges are as simple as they sound: they’re badges with different pronouns on,’ the school wrote in a Facebook post.

‘However, their purpose is to display to everyone what those who are wearing them define themselves as. They’re also so that people know what to refer to the wearer as.’

The school was praised on social media for its inclusive approach.

Although it is funny that the masses of peasants are able to be convinced to take this sort of thing seriously, indoctrinated small children into homosexuality is not at all funny.

This is horribly sickening, and it is evil. This is an actual satanic agenda, coming in through the guise of deranged silliness.

Is there some prophecy somewhere that says “the devil will come to them wearing clown makeup”?

It seems like there must be.

The evil is only possible, I think, because it is so easily mocked.

The prime criticism of the rightwing media, such as Fox News and Breitbart, is that they laugh about this stuff. They call them snowflakes and talk about their safe spaces. But it doesn’t matter how silly they are. They are in control, and they are using that power to harm children.

This is the future they want for your kids:

It is nothing to giggle about.