Austria: Five Vibrants Convicted of Gang-Enriching a 13-Year-Old Girl

These people fled from the brutal civil war in Germany. They’re poor, they’re hungry and they come in peace.

They slip up once and they’re going to jail for it? Just like that?

How is that reasonable or fair?


Five asylum seekers aged between 17 and 22 have been convicted in a court in Austria of raping a 13-year-old girl.

The incident occurred in October of last year and saw the 13-year-old girl meet the five asylum seekers at the central railway station in Graz.

The young men are said to have lured the young teen to an apartment where they gave her alcohol and other substances before making her undress, Kronen Zeitung reports.

The migrants, two of which had already been convicted of drug offences, began to become aggressive and eventually violent when the 13-year-old victim attempted to resist them and each is said to have taken turns raping her.

The entire ordeal was also filmed by one of the migrants on his mobile phone. The phone, along with the footage, was later discovered by police.

All of the defendants were sentenced to several years, with one receiving a seven-year sentence but none of the sentences is final as the asylum seekers have filed an appeal in the case.