BASED Antifa Calls Out Nigger and Spic Cops at ICE Facility Demonstration

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 13, 2018

I’m mesmerized. I can’t stop watching this video. There’s a lot of drama build-up up to the point where the police finally start tackling them that you don’t see in this video.

Also, the aftermath gets cut off.

It’s all on this periscope stream though, from Antifa’s perspective.

Funny highlights: the cops let two arrested Antifa escape. The Mexican ICE guy seems genuinely phased by being called a race traitor. Antifa legit called the black cop a nigger.

And yeah, the ICE guys get called fascists a lot, but that’s to be expected.

Listening to Antifa scream and holler for twenty minutes straight has given me unique insight into the members who make up their organization though.

In short, total cognitive dissonance.

And I’m not talking about Antifa…

I’m talking about me. 

Because I see the light now. Guys, Antifa was in the right the whole time.

See, this group of crusty hipsters is all White… and they start accusing minorities on the police of being race traitors and niggers.

It’s like, what?

And then it hit me.

If I wanted to join an all-White hate group that terrorizes blacks and spics, I should have joined Antifa.

I mean, I sure as hell shouldn’t join Proud Boys or any other Magapede group, because then for sure, I’d have to take my orders from a based minority to prove I’m not a racist. Which I definitely am. And I sure as shit wouldn’t be able to call people niggers, which, dedicated readers know is my absolute favorite slur.

And really, that’s all I’ve ever wanted: to be able to insult cops and browns to their face and be able to get away with it.

This video has changed so much for me.

I’m thinking of finding my local Antifa chapter tbh.