Based Baltimore Nigger Cop Literally Dindu Nuffin Wrong

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 13, 2018

This nigger-cop is no badge-nigger. Most cops nowadays are badge-niggers, because of the way that they prey on innocent white people to get a power trip.

But this nigger-cop proved that he deserved his badge by laying a righteous beat-down on a loud-mouthed street ape.


Shocking footage of a Baltimore City police officer repeatedly punching a man in the head has whipped up outrage and resulted in the officer being swiftly suspended.

The punch up took place on Monument Street in east Baltimore on Saturday and video of the incident was shared on Instagram. It shows officer Arthur Williams and a man, Dashawn McGrier, shouting before the officer punches him in the head as onlookers can be heard reacting in shock.

A second officer makes a half-hearted attempt to separate his colleague and the victim, who falls on a set of steps as the officer continues to throw punches. Williams then pins McGrier to the ground, and blood is seen on the pavement.

The glorious video:


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This is what policing ought to look like.

Niggers policing their own and handing out corporal punishment – the only thing that feral pavement apes understand.

And now he’s getting punished for something that should have landed him a medal.

Baltimore City Police released a statement saying it received video of the incident soon after it happened. “The Office of Professional Responsibility was immediately dispatched to the area. As a result of the information available, Interim Baltimore Police Commissioner Gary Tuggle suspended the officer immediately,” it said. The second officer was placed on administrative duties until the investigation is concluded.

Sad. Very sad. Beating down uppity niggers is the police’s job. They should be allowed to do their job.

Although, holy shit, if that copper was in my neighborhood, I’d lock the doors and drive the kids to school. That man has no place being anywhere near White society. But no niggers do, so that’s sort of a given.

File this under the new section that I’m petitioning for having the Stormer: Good Cop, Bad Cop.

We need this guy in the RWDS. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such ferocity aimed at a nigger by a modern white guy ever on display. This guy went full orc rage. We don’t have that innate passive power.

But it’s something we will desperately need in the future.