A video has been circulating on YouTube of a wheelchair-bound White man named Mike lashing out at an invading spic when he heard him speaking Spanish to his mother.
Bretty good stuff.
This happened at an airport, so Mike was probably irritable after spending the last few hours dealing with overfed sheboons who handle luggage like footballs, listening to the PA system broadcast the same message in 15 monkey languages, and being trampled over by hundreds of Third Worlders whose BO could choke a xenomorph.
Serves him right – he tried to facehug an Indian!
The ridiculous rag, BuzzFeed, provides additional information:
[Hector] Torres, a 44-year-old father of four from Orlando, Florida, told BuzzFeed News that the unnerving encounter began Thursday evening, as he was speaking on the phone to his mother while waiting to board a flight to Los Angeles.
While on the call, Torres said, he heard someone behind him say, “Can you believe this shit?”
“I’m chatting away with my mom, quietly, not trying to have all kinds of volume at the airport,” Torres said. “And I’m like, I hope it wasn’t directed at me.”
Torres said he tried to ignore the comments, which were loud enough for most people at the terminal to hear. But when he heard the man say, over his shoulder, “Trump is going to fix this. He doesn’t understand this is Trump’s America now,” he decided to get off the phone.
There is a major lesson to this minor story.
As Nationalists, it is our duty to make the United States as unaccommodating for these coloreds as possible. We need to make them feel unwelcome and hated, just as Mike did with his glorious tirade.
It is impossible for non-Whites to be something other than parasites in the US. The least dangerous of them are those who enter the nation illegally and live on welfare. The most dangerous of them are those who enter the nation legally and dig their fangs deeper into its bloodstream: stealing university placements, prime real estate, white-collar jobs and, in the case of Blacks, the presidency.
Remember when a literal silverback was made president of our country? This is the end result of making non-Whites citizens.
Obviously, we shouldn’t commit acts of violence against them, and there are places (e.g. the workplace) where calling Mexicans “spics” and Somalis “lightbulb-headed mutants” wouldn’t be a good idea unless you can get away with it. But most public spaces are definitely fair game, per the First Amendment, for some righteous skin-hatred.
We will always be right in these situations, just as Mike was right in his situation. Non-Whites are burglars in our home, plundering our birthright for tribal self-gain. Can we blame them? Yes, but mocking them is funnier.
We’ve been carrying these people on our backs for what seems like eternity, and they repay us with gang rape, murder and terrorism. Enough is enough.