Battle for the Med! Italy Moves to Seize “Dutch” Taxi Vessels Ferrying Hundreds of Coons to Europe

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2018

Those dastardly Dutch are at it again.


Italy says it will seize two migrant rescue ships in the Mediterranean, citing doubts over their legal status.

Italian authorities said the Lifeline and Seefuchs, operated by the German migrant rescue group Mission Lifeline, were “illegally” flying the Dutch flag.

A false flag?

The Lifeline is carrying 226 migrants rescued off the coast of Libya, Mission Lifeline said.

Separately, the UN refugee agency has reported that 220 migrants drowned in the same area in recent days.

It called for “urgent action” from EU countries. 

Let me tell you a lil’ something about urgent action:

Here’s what the Italians had to say:

Italy’s new right-wing government has taken a harder stance on rescue ships bringing large numbers of migrants to Italy, which is often the nearest port for those rescued off coast of Libya.

Italy’s Infrastructure Minister Danilo Toninelli said the ship had broken the law by taking the migrants, even though the Libyan coastguard had already intervened to rescue them.

He said Italy would seize both the Lifeline and the Seefuchs to determine their legal status, and said Italy would “once again save the migrants”.

Clearly, the Dutch are back at their old schemes and tricks again. They’re acting like pirates again, ferrying blacks and Moslems and Moslem blacks into Europe.

Only, this time the Italians are not having it.

Lads, we’re looking at a looming naval battle the likes of which we haven’t seen since Lepanto coming to the Mediterranean.

Just like it was five hundred years ago, so it is now, Moslem pirate ships are plowing the waters of the Mediterranean, landing on Europe’s shores and plundering the locals.

We need a coalition of the willing to throw back these Nigger-Moslem vessels.

So far, Italy stands alone.

Spain has capitulated and Greece is being crushed under the Merkel yoke. The Latin powers who have held the line for centuries against the heathen hordes need reinforcements.

Soon, we’re going to need to deploy the Stormer Frat Bro Yacht Divisions to help out.

Every frat in America will be mobilized, every Sperry store will be stripped down for equipment and every single fridge raided for enough Bud Light to last the voyage over and the victory celebrations for when the battle is won.

I want every single yacht bro ready to go.

Time to get prepping. I want those ships battle-ready by the end of this summer. I’m talking a machine gun where the satellite dish is now and some armor on the hull.

Time is ticking. You have all summer to get ready. Get the charts and the snacks ready.

We have to be ready to cross the Atlantic to help the Guidos at a moment’s notice.