Beach Boy’s Father was a People-Smuggler, Captain of Fail-Boat

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 12, 2015

Muh Sesame Street. Muh Beach Boys.
Muh Sesame Street. Muh Beach Boys.

The Beach Boy spectacle, who has been described as the biggest atrocity hoax since the fake Jew Holocaust, has about as many holes as the Holocaust.

Apparently, the boy’s father – whose family was safe in Turkey and who was heading to Europe to get new teeth for free from Whitey – was a smuggler captain.

National Post:

The father of a three-year-old Syrian boy whose body washed up on a Turkish beach is denying allegations that he was the captain of the vessel that capsized killing at least 12 people, including his family.

An Iraqi couple who lost two of their three children in the tragedy have alleged that after the accident, Abdullah Kurdi begged them not to tell Turkish police that he was operating the boat.

Zainab Abbas and Ahmad Hadi shared their story with reporters at Baghdad’s airport, where they arrived earlier this week carrying the small coffins of their dead children, aged 10 and 11.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the family had travelled to the Turkish coastal city of Bodrum from Iraq hoping to find smugglers who could take them into Europe.

They told the newspaper they almost changed their minds about the voyage when they looked at the 4.5-metre rubber boat, but a smuggler reassured them the vessel was safe. The smuggler also introduced them to Kurdi, who was described to them as the boat’s captain.

But in his mind, Kurdi was not a people smuggler, and was instead the victim of low wages and poor dental hygiene – the former resulting in the latter, given that he couldn’t afford proper toothpaste, let alone dental floss.

"In the name of Allah, how am I supposed to get new teeth now? And how about the Beach Boys?"
In the name of Allah, how am I supposed to get new teeth now? And how about the Beach Boys?

Kurdi’s “Canadian family [sic]” says he didn’t do nothing.


The Canadian family of Abdullah Kurdi, the father who lost his wife and two sons when a boat full of Syrian refugees capsized en route to Greece, says new allegations — from a passenger on the boat — that Kurdi was one of the smugglers running the boat, are “ridiculous.”

“It’s just simply untrue. It’s made up.” Kurdi’s brother-in-law Rocco Logozzo told CBC News in Vancouver on Friday.

Zainab Abbas, who lost two children of her own in the tragedy — her nine-year-old son and seven-year-old daughter — told Ten News that Kurdi was part of the group that took US $10,000 from her to transport her family of five.

Now in Iraq and hoping to be granted asylum in Australia, Abbas gives her account of the dreadful capsizing of the boat, and the moment she felt her daughter’s hand slipping from her grasp.

She says that boat was too full and there were not enough life jackets to go around. She also states clearly that Abdullah Kurdi was in charge.

“He was a smuggler, yes, he was the one driving the boat,” she said in an interview translated by her Australian-based cousin Lara Tahseen.

Abbas said that her husband had tried to reason with Kurdi who, she says, was driving the overloaded boat too fast.

“He was going crazy,” she said of Kurdi.

But hey, guess what?

It doesn’t matter.


Doesn’t matter any more than Nigerian Yellowcake uranium.

White people's fault... in my mind
White people’s fault… in my mind

Damage is done.

An extremely rare pepe was pictured dead on a beach, and now the gates must be permanently opened, because your society is run by Jews who strictly enforce female emotionalism as a basis for moral direction.