Beyonce Uses Super Bowl to Promote Black Power

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2016


Not an especially diversity dance troupe you got there.

Did Beyonce think of this Black power demonstration herself?

Presumably it was some Jew.

Fox News:

When Beyoncé took to the field during the Super Bowl 50 halftime show, she apparently had a political message to convey.

Clad in a black leotard with a gold embellished jacket, Beyoncé was flanked by dancers who sported afros and black berets, reportedly in reference to the Black Panther Party. Beyoncé’s outfit was also a nod to Michael Jackson.

At one point during the performance the backup dancers and Beyoncé gave a salute, and they later formed an X formation, which the Twitterverse was quick to declare was a reference to Malcom X.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party.

Many praised Beyonce for her bold statements during the performance.

And if there was any doubt that Beyoncé’s performance was politically-charged, her dancers were also filmed in a video that was posted on the Black Lives Matter Twitter page shortly after the halftime show.

In the clip, the dancers hold up a sign that reads “Justice 4 Mario Woods.”

Worthy of note is that just before she did the Super Bowl gig, she fired her White manager and hired a Black guy who used to work for JP Morgan Chase.

Next yeah, hopefully Phil Anselmo and Ted Nugent can stage a White power half-time show featuring Neo-Nazis and the KKK. Because race doesn’t exist, there is no reason that shouldn’t happen, right?