Biden Administration Preparing More Sanctions for Russia!

Jake Sullivan is a hardcore MF who listens to 2 Pac in between making international threats. He’s the type of nigga who will rain down hell on a nigga that fuggs wiff him. Straight ballin’.

Jake Sullivan just announced major threats against China – at the same time he announced major threats against Russia!

Which is it, Jake???

Which one are you going to hit first???

Inquiring minds!


National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday that the Biden administration is preparing another round of sanctions against Russia over the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Why it matters: The news of a potential new sanctions package comes days after President Biden warned Vladimir Putin during their summit in Geneva that if Navalny died in prison the consequences for Russia would be “devastating.”

The state of play: The Biden administration has already sanctioned Russia twice this past Spring.

In March, the administration announced sanctions against 7 senior Russian officials over the poisoning and jailing of Navalny.

Then in April, it followed up with even more sweeping economic sanctions in coordination with its allies, and formally accused the country’s Foreign Intelligence Service of carrying out the SolarWinds hack.

But, but, but: “Those penalties were not specifically directed at Mr. Putin or the oligarchs who support him,” notes the New York Times.

What they’re saying: “We are preparing another package of sanctions to apply in this case,” said Sullivan.

“We’ve shown all along the way that we are not going to pull our punches, whether it’s on solar winds, or election interference, or Navalny when it comes to responding to Russia’s harmful activities.”

You might not believe that Grandpa Vaxxy Joe could threaten a man with “devastation,” especially since you’ve seen him wandering about aimlessly in a state of confusion days before making that threat.

But then, you must have missed the moment he went full alpha male aviator glasses, and threatened a reporter.

Vaxxy Joe is both granddad and violent threatener.

War against China?

War against Russia?

Vaxxy Joe will get the job done.

We will fight for our democracy values, including big time anal, and we will force these values on the entire world against their will.

That’s who we are.

The devastation is only just beginning.