Birmingham, England: Less Than 1 in 3 Students are White

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
November 22, 2013

Feeling enriched yet, England?  I sure hope so.  Because you have sacrificed the future of your children and their children for this wonderful experience of enrichment.
Feeling enriched yet, England? I sure hope so. Because you have sacrificed the future of your children and their children for this wonderful experience of enrichment.

A recent community study has discovered that White people in Birmingham, England, are now less than 1 in 3 of school students.

Birmingham is the UK’s second largest city, after London where not only White students are a minority, but where the whole population of London is minority White.

The city is expected to go the way of London in a few years, and become another minority White city of the UK.

In some parts of Birmingham, such as Oldham, there are eight schools with no White children; the city in total has 22 schools with no White children.

One school in Sparkhill, Birmingham is required to employ both specially trained teachers that teach English as a second language, as well as translators, because 31 different languages are spoken in the school.

Another report by the government shows that nearly 1/4 of the city’s residents are born in a foreign country. “Asians” (meaning: Arabs, North Africans, Indians, Middle Easterners) are the majority of school students making up 44%. Meanwhile, White students make just 31%, and Black students make up 13%.

The report found that there were 87 different ethnic groups in the schools of Birmingham in 2011. Also, it found that 108 different languages were spoken, English is still being the most used, closely followed “Asian” languages such as Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, and but other languages like Somali, and Arabic.

Alp Mehmet, a member of Migrationwatch (who’s a migrant himself) said “The impact of having four million net migrants enter the country under Labour [political party] is now coming home to roost . . . the schools in Birmingham are a perfect example of the consequences of that.” He later went on to say that this would strongly effect the unity of the country as migrants still care about their former countries.

However, a spokesman for Birmingham city council said “Birmingham’s diversity makes it the great city that it is”; blissfully unaware that the city was founded, built, and maintained for centuries by the White men, women, and children.

White flight is considerably more difficult in a smaller country like Britain. In terms of land amount, Britain could fit into the state of California three times. This means that when Whites flee an area they have very few places left to go to.
