Birmingham: Police Knew 5 Years Ago Pakis were Picking Up Girls Outside Schools, Said Nothing

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 25, 2015

The leadership of Britain surrendered the country and its assets without negotiating terms. What has happened is to be expected.
The leadership of Britain surrendered the country and its assets without negotiating terms. What has happened is to be expected.

More information about how the Police force of Britain simply handed over the breeding population of the country to conquering foreign forces.

Nothing particularly new here. Just par for the course, as we give everything our ancestors gave to us over to a foreign army.

Birmingham Mail:

West Midlands Police knew five years ago that Asian grooming gangs were targeting children outside schools across the city – but failed to make the threat public.

Documents obtained by the Birmingham Mail show the force were aware pupils were at risk of child sexual exploitation (CSE) back in 2010.

The confidential report, obtained under a Freedom of Information Act, also shows police were worried about community tensions if the abuse from predominantly Pakistani grooming gangs was made public.

The West Midlands Police document entitled Problem Profile, Operation Protection is from March 2010 and highlights how grooming had been directed specifically at schools and children’s homes.

In one heavily redacted passage, entitled ‘Schools’, it states: “In (redacted) a teacher at a (redacted) that a group of Asian males were approaching pupils at the school gate and grooming them. Strong anecdotal evidence shows this MO (modus operandi) is being used across the force.

The Birmingham Mail is unaware of any police public appeals or warnings from that time.

The 2010 report also reveals children’s homes were being targeted by gangs who used victims to target other girls. It states: “Operations in other forces have identified an MO where offenders use a young girl in a children’s home to target and groom other residents on their behalf.

“This has also been evidenced within the force in (redacted) and (redacted). The girl’s motivation to recruit new victims is often that the provision of new girls provides her a way to escape the cycle of abuse.

Yeah, I doubt it. More likely the girls who recruited other girls got special favors and treatment from the Pakis, and anyway, had a desire to serve their alpha male masters who were running the town and bossing around the police.

That is one thing that the cuckolds responding to this Paki sex drama are generally ignoring. The girls sided with the Pakis just as much as the police did. Some of them were obviously too young to know any better, but some of them weren’t. When you’re talking about 14 and 15 year old girls, they know what was going on and they participated in it willingly.

This was a cuckolding, plain and simple.

It is natural for females to side with whoever has the power. And as we have given all of our power over to these animals, it is absolutely natural for the women to side with them over us. Women pick up on things that you couldn’t possibly pick up on, micro-expressions which continually show that the beta White man in Britain is subservient to the alpha Paki/Negro/Moslem. Following this, the monkey-faces and stench of these people mean nothing to her. She wants the man with the power. The one in charge.

White women are our collective property in the exact same way that the ground under our feet is our collective property. Subconsciously, the people of Britain, being told by the established authority to give away their land to these invading forces, are going to be giving away their women as well.

The reaction of the police is natural. It is basic psychology that if the leader of your tribe (in this situation, the government is the tribal leader and the media is its voice) is telling you to stand down to a superior invading force, you will be ready to surrender everything, and merely hope that you be allowed to keep your life.

All these men did was assert control over resources given over to them by the British establishment.
All these men did was assert control over resources given over to them by the British establishment.

As there is no assimilation possible with races this different (hence “multiculturalism”), there will necessarily be a dominant and submissive group. White British have purposefully become the submissive group, and it is the law of nature that all that is ours now belongs to them. All that these rape gangs are doing is asserting their natural right to the booty of a conquered land.

Obviously we treat women better than Pakis treat women. But right now, the argument is that women dating these animals is okay, they just have to treat them better. When you surrender your women to a conquering tribe, you no longer have any say in how they’re treated.

If we were concerned about the treatment of women and girls, why did we surrender our country to Moslems?
If we were concerned about the treatment of women and girls, why did we surrender our country to Moslems?

All of this talk of the abuses of the Paki trafficking gangs amounts to an attempt to negotiate a surrender after you have already laid down your weapons. If we didn’t want foreign gangs trafficking our little girls after we allowed these people to take our country, we should have negotiated a treaty saying “yes, we will give you Britain and everything in it, but you mustn’t traffic girls until they are 18.” They probably wouldn’t have honored the terms, but it nonetheless would have been the appropriate way of dealing with the question.

Until we start looking at the situation in these terms, nothing is going to make clear sense.