Bitchass Little Faggot Fatboy Matt Gaetz Backs Down and Cucks Out! Other Congressmen Voice Support!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 11, 2019

On Sunday, the President’s first born son was chased off stage at UCLA by an angry pack of Groypers who are sick and tired of the MAGA movement being co-opted by anti-Christian, pro-war, pro-homosexual Israeli spies.

People figured out, at last, that they have no choice but to choose a side between the establishment, which has been shutting down discussion of their evil Jewish agenda, and the angry base of Trump supporters who were promised that the Trump presidency would be putting America first instead of Israel, and would prop up Christians instead of sodomites.

The bitchmade little faggot and fatboy Congressman Matt Gaetz came out last night in support of the cocksucking shill, Israeli spy and smallfaced anti-American traitor Charlie Kirk.

Saying “I stand with Charlie Kirk” is a shorthand way of saying “Shut up, goyim, you don’t have any say in what we do, we are your betters, we will do whatever we want and there is nothing you can do about it. You don’t have any right to question us, and we do not owe you any answers.”

It is a strong statement against anyone who disagrees with mainstream Conservative, Inc. views having a right to voice their opinions – especially coming just after Charlie Kirk and Don Jr. fled a stage after telling people they wouldn’t listen to their opinions.

Nick Fuentes, the leader of the Groyper Army, was not amused.

The bitch ass little fatboy Gaetz then cucked on his anti-free speech position, and said actually he supports free speech!

Then he got questioned on the second tweet – which was functionally an apology for endorsing Charlie Kirk – and he backed down even further!

I mean, what a cuck.

What a little bitch.

Is he pretending that he didn’t know that “I stand with Charlie Kirk” means “I oppose freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas, if those ideas have to do with Israel, Christian values or mass immigration”?

If he didn’t know that this is what Charlie Kirk stands for, I don’t know why he would ever mention the name “Charlie Kirk.”

But this shows which way the wind is blowing.

Someone told him “yo, you don’t want to do that – we’re going to recalibrate here, don’t climb on a sinking ship.”

Other Congressmen Endorse AMERICA FIRST!

At least two other Congressmen have now come out and endorsed freedom of speech and putting America first following the Groyper domination at UCLA.

Jim Banks, Republican Congressman from Indiana:

Paul Gosar, Republican Congressman from Arizona:

What these men are seeing is that there is now a way to get big, to get traction, to get support – by simply BEING PRO AMERICAN.

Simply supporting everything that Americans have always supported.

Simply being good people, instead of liars and snakes and criminals.

That’s a big opportunity for a politician.

I think we’re going to see a lot of people getting on board with us, very soon.

I also think Charlie Kirk is likely to get fired and they’re going to roll out some new agenda.

They might even throw Zioclops under the bus.

Things are definitely moving.